England 23 Man Squad Announced

Just saw a stat about Heskey..

In the league this season..

Played: 31
Goals: 3
Shots on target: 8
Assists: 2

Darrent Bent in the league:

Played: 34
Goals: 24
Shots on target: 55
Assists: 1

How can he pick Heskey over Bent!?
sorry don`t agree with swp or lennon ,cole maybe because he can be awsome at times but hes quite a selfish play also which isn`t good when your on the wing, hey ho i don`t care to much fabio knows more than me so not going to argue about it i just feel for the lad i bet he is gutted.
People are forgetting that Walcott is only 21.. He's still got plenty of World Cups ahead of him.
Just a recap that four years ago Lennon was used in games as teams were tiring and frightened the life out of them with his pace. He has worked on his final ball and proved he is a far better player than Walcott this season.
sorry don`t agree with swp or lennon ,cole maybe because he can be awsome at times but hes quite a selfish play also which isn`t good when your on the wing, hey ho i don`t care to much fabio knows more than me so not going to argue about it i just feel for the lad i bet he is gutted.

Why Not?

Walcott has done Jack-**** this season, 2 Assists and 3 Goals,
Lennon - 3 Goals, 10 Assists
SWP - 4 Goals, 8 Assists.

There both clearly better. Your just Biast...
They are all better players than Walcott. Simple.
Walcott is too one dimensional and against the top teams he wouldn't be good enough.

SWP is one dimensional and limited than Walcott and any day i prefer walcott over him if i had to pick one otherwise i would drop both.
Why Not?

Walcott has done Jack-**** this season, 2 Assists and 3 Goals,
Lennon - 3 Goals, 10 Assists
SWP - 4 Goals, 8 Assists.

There both clearly better. Your just Biast...

those stats aren`t for england are they and walcott missed most of the season.
Just a recap that four years ago Lennon was used in games as teams were tiring and frightened the life out of them with his pace. He has worked on his final ball and proved he is a far better player than Walcott this season.
lennon has learnt and developed as a player, walcott hasnt
Lennon was out from December, and still has more assists :$
People are forgetting that Walcott is only 21.. He's still got plenty of World Cups ahead of him.

Only if he knuckles down and realises his potential. Otherwise he wont have any. He needs to work on his game more and use his brain in situations.
Why Not?

Walcott has done Jack-**** this season, 2 Assists and 3 Goals,
Lennon - 3 Goals, 10 Assists
SWP - 4 Goals, 8 Assists.

There both clearly better. Your just Biast...

Your biased aswell, lets be honest all them stats are bad, for a premier league winger? Lets not forget Walcott was injured for the majority of the season, so Lennons stats aren't really that good, You can't say how good or bad someone is through stats
So many ignorant people on here, must have seen like 20+ "heskey is **** why not take Bent!?!1" comments, obviously because when Heskey is in the team England play MUCH better, take the last two friendlies as an example, dire England performances and we couldn't keep the ball in the final third of the oppositions half for more than 30 seconds. I'm not saying Heskey is going to set the world on fire in South Africa and I'm also not saying he's a perfect player (or even a particularily great one) BUT he's the only proven target man England have got and he IS good at holding up the ball.

Modern football dictates that strikers need to do more than just goal hang so tedious comments like "wonder if Heskey will get Golden boot L0o0oLS!!!1" make people look embarrasingly immature. Get a grip, I've got a feeling Capello isn't just winging it and has put rather alot of thought into the team.
those stats aren`t for england are they and walcott missed most of the season.

Lennon was injured for 5 Months and managed 8 more assists. Yes Walcott was injured for a while but nowhere near as much as lennon
Your biased aswell, lets be honest all them stats are bad, for a premier league winger? Lets not forget Walcott was injured for the majority of the season, so Lennons stats aren't really that good, You can't say how good or bad someone is through stats

How is 10 Assists bad for a right winger when you've been injured for 5 months. Please Explan?....
Meh, Not fussed about not taking Bent or Walcott, Lennon is better, would have liked to see AJ go tho. :(

I hope Huddlestone makes the final 23, he has had a great season, and now he is likely to be picked behind Carrick, who imo has had a pretty poor season. So much for picking players via their form over the season.
Lennon has been in better form than Walcott, and Capello said he will take form players.

If it wasn't for Gerrard and Heskey's previous club and international performances they wouldn't be going in my opinion.
Lennon did not do significantly better for club then Walcott, But this is not club football, Judging on the performance in Japan both Walcott and Lennon played far from maxium potential, But I still think Walcott should have been taken as an impact sub, Crouch and Walcott on for the last 20, Walcotts pace and can (try) cross to crouchy whos so big no matter how bad the ball is can get something on the end of it
SWP is one dimensional and limited than Walcott and any day i prefer walcott over him if i had to pick one otherwise i would drop both.

Atleast SWP runs at defenders and commits them into fouling him or making a mistake. He may not always have full contol of the ball but he's 100x more effective than Walcott.
Walcott has no skill whatsoever and is reluctant to take players on despite his pace. All is does is look to exploit gaps in the defence which is easily defendable. As people are saying, he's still very young and there is room for improvement but at this moment the players picked above him are better players. End of.