Mate, just look at you… you come to this thread and start moaning about you getting results not what you want… why do you do that? You need hug and kiss from me?Or you need an advise from me?
I prefer to think you need an advise from me and not a hug and a kiss…so I start give you advise and what I hear from you? You answer: “wtf are you teaching me? I know better than you which players are good and which are bad and everything else and so on…”
Mate, just think if you are such FM guru and don't need any advise from me and you know everything better so what are you doing in this thread? Just go and use your knowledge and achieve great success...
Before calling me an ******* just look how you behave...
Where did I claim to know better than you?! Show me!! I have done nothing but try to give you the information you asked. Granted the "defence" -post that started this back and fourth was bit over the top and I'm sorry about that but I have gotten nothing but attitude in every post. Eventhough I have genuinely been trying to talk about my defence. Sure, you have also given some advice too but always with a condecending "schooling" attitude. "If you dont know how to show me the right screen/info I sure as **** wont help you". So, when I dont get what information you want me to post you say that tells you EVERYTHING about my knowledge of the game... Basically, why would I want to read any advice that follows that first paragraph where you pretty clearly call me a "lucky moron" barely worth your time?
No hugs and kisses (or smileys) needed...
I was talking about numbers and not "stars"... "stars" tell nothing
Well, when you ask to see Team CA thats where I went. Squad depth -> Current Ability. If that tells you I dont know anything about the game then fine. There sure as **** is much I dont know.