Yes, you are right it would be better to play him as AMR and use the mirror version but I advised Fariborz to play him on AML position in order to make his life easier when he will be manage the team.
I'll explain what I'm talking about... as you can see Griezmann is left footed but other players for Inside Forward position are right footed so every time when he will be rotating the team he need to change between the normal and the mirror version

and I'd say it's pain in ***

Also Griezmann doesn't have "Accomplished/Natural" rating for AMR position so he need train him this position. As you can see there's a lot stuff to do and if you don't have much FM experience then it could be very problematic for you.
Also Griezmann has "Fairly Strong" rating for the right foot so he can perform good as the left Inside Forward and of course not so good as the right Inside Forward but as I said there are many other factors to play him on AMR position.
Yes, he is the weakest from attackers but there's no one better... so if train him play striker he'll do ok.
There's problem with Suarez as F9... he's got "Gets Forward Whenever Possible" PPM and this PPM is a very bad PPM for F9.
Shadow Striker scores a big part of your total goals for the season and Iniesta has a really low Finishing – 12 and Long Shots – 10… so he'll be missing a lot chances and you really want that player on Shadow Striker position has at least "13" for Finishing and Long Shots and optimal range optimal level for these attributes somewhere 14-15.