FM-Base New Design: Feedback

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sean
  • Start date Start date
  • Replies Replies 668
  • Views Views 37K

Do you like the new design?

  • Yes

    Votes: 74 27.1%
  • No

    Votes: 199 72.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I can't stay on much my eyes are getting sore.

Why don't we have a choice of skins?
I appreciate the effort that's gone into this new layout, and the amount of vertical space that has been saved, it feels too dark and wasteful of horizontal space. Rather than having a fixed width for the utilised part of the screen, I'd have it scale with the user's browser rather than be fixed at 990px. On a 1920x1080 screen almost exactly half of the screen is wasted on background, and if I try decreasing the size of the browser (often have it half width) it starts cutting into the used space rather than scaling down. I'd also lighten the background a bit to make things easier on the eyes, although I do like the contrast of the namebar and post area, having such small pockets of white in a vast area of dark grey is quite jarring.
It's very good, modern, easy to use, the box where i am typing now has more space, however i feel that the background is too dark and is quite painful on the eyes, maybe a blue would be better

This is my most important one i would say... i feel that a lot of space is lost when you are viewing threads, but thats maybe because there is no box on the right hand side, that shows recent threads, and i would really like to see that back... also is there any way to show signatures again?

edit - and the 'like' button has gone :S
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It looks very slick and modern but it will take a long time getting used to I feel.
Love it. FM-Base is not just a domestic friendly forum anymore, it's a website known worldwide and used by an increasing amount of users. It's more serious and sober, the colors work out perfectly, as most of the users, though, I'd prefer bigger avatars. Also Sean, I think the Original Post should be highlighted/in a different color. All in all, it's very good
It's alright i mean the new layout will take some getting used too but yeah it pretty good :)
It'll take some getting used to. Love that the blog system is up. I personally prefered the old design.
Much prefer this new design, it's going to have some new quirks and features that are different and will require getting used to. Unfotunately, most people associate change or difference with a negative feeling, but hey ho.

IIRC when the site moved from the old orange design to the previous green one, there was uproar and everyone hated it, I'm sure this one will grow on you. There will be little changes here and there that will all help improve it from its present appearance, which i already think is pretty awesome.

Great work Sean.
Can we still have the latest threads on the right? i liked going from one thread to another like that and the black seems a bit dark but its a nice design.
I liked the old one better - but mostly due to the background colour.
All the nubbins will adapt, new look is sexy. All hail Base 2.0

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Had a proper browse and definately like the whole thing. Lots of work and effort put into it and it shows. 2 thumbs up
Blog system looks good.
Less vertical scroll.
Only one add showing up atm for non-premium members :P
Quick reply looks nicer, which makes it easier to write on imo.

Avatars look stupid when they are that small. Slowing down the forum and not good to look at.
Forum is too dark.
The contrast between Black/White hurts my eyes. (Quote Redders Racist? :p
It is less friendly looking.)

No likes, although it is coming back.
No supports :S I like to know who im talking to.
Everyone's posts look so generalised without them having avatars that you can see or sigs.
Hate the amount of space free on the sides.
Dislike the showing what the person has posted before you click the thread. It just looks messy.
Hate not having recent posts on the side of every page.
Hard to tell if there is a new post on a thread or not.
View fist unread on the top of each thread looks nice but i dont think it is working right.
The calender seems pointless, most computer have one :P The only thing i found interesting about it was that 287 members share my bday and I havent read a post by one of them :D

All in all I appreciate the amount of work that went into this but i dont like it. It just doesnt feel like FmBase :S Im sure most people will get used to it.
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Its a bit harsh on the eyes for me. And I dont got why there is masses of space on each side?

Avatars make it quicker to see whos posted for me (if you generally know who's avatar is who's) Alot harder to scan through threads now.

But mainly I think making it a full browser would make this MUCH nicer to use. I just dont see the point in the black void on each side of the screen
I think the calender doesn't go past December 2008?
Since the majority clearly dislike this skin and/or prefer the previous one, do you have any plans to revert back, or will you only be building on the current version? I assume, given that this new style goes hand-in-hand with the Blogs, which are considered a key feature by most, it is unlikely/impossible that the forum will be changed.

That said, will new designs be pursued which also include the Blogs system? This will allow you to avoid reverting back to a previous iteration and hopefully please the masses. I don't mind either way, as I feel this current style could be decent if improved upon slightly, namely with my own list of improvements ;), but I am curious all the same judging by the poll response thus far.
At first I didn't like the new skin, but am starting to get used to it quickly. It is a bit dark for my liking, but it could be a lot worse though :P. Am not too bothered by the fact that I can't see avatars and signatures straight away, all it takes is a click and you get to see them in a better size.
It's nice to see the start of what people have posted on the main screen, as the title of some threads came be misleading from what is said in them. I am missing the 'like' button though, but understand why it isn't here yet. And also the dots to say who is and isn't online after each post is a good idea.