Blog system looks good.
Less vertical scroll.
Only one add showing up atm for non-premium members

Quick reply looks nicer, which makes it easier to write on imo.
Avatars look stupid when they are that small. Slowing down the forum and not good to look at.
Forum is too dark.
The contrast between Black/White hurts my eyes.
(Quote Redders Racist? 
It is less friendly looking.)
No likes, although it is coming back.
No supports :S I like to know who im talking to.
Everyone's posts look so generalised without them having avatars that you can see or sigs.
Hate the amount of space free on the sides.
Dislike the showing what the person has posted before you click the thread. It just looks messy.
Hate not having recent posts on the side of every page.
Hard to tell if there is a new post on a thread or not.
View fist unread on the top of each thread looks nice but i dont think it is working right.
The calender seems pointless, most computer have one

The only thing i found interesting about it was that 287 members share my bday and I havent read a post by one of them
All in all I appreciate the amount of work that went into this but i dont like it. It just doesnt feel like FmBase :S Im sure most people will get used to it.