FM-Base New Design: Feedback

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sean
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  • Replies Replies 668
  • Views Views 36K

Do you like the new design?

  • Yes

    Votes: 74 27.1%
  • No

    Votes: 199 72.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think instead of everything floating something like this could work:

The lighter grey will go down with posts so they don't look like they are floating ;).

Thats looks a lot better mate. Hopefully Sean will change it :P . Still think there should be recent threads list on the side. Could you try making a mock up to see if I am talking sense of drivel.
That grey is too light, needs to be #333 rather than that which looks more #666ish, though I agree with the idea - just not the execution.
I like the way everything is 'floating'. I think it looks more modern and professional.
Redders - Thanks for being constructive. Nothing better than creating a mock up and people saying how bad it is so blankly and not offering ways to improve.

Raphael - I could but if you look at the ones at the moment then a few need to be taken off first as it streches the page down.

Raphael - That was the aim, I tried light grey/white but it looked too contrastive.

Calum - Same as Redders.

Tubby - I just did it quick to show the idea I am sure Sean will give it a better go.

Fuelledbypassion - Your choice mate, just giving a visual idea :).
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Redders - Thanks for being constructive. Nothing better than creating a mock up and people saying how bad it is so blankly and not offering ways to improve.

This is not aimed at you, but 75% of the people who don't like the new design have done the exact same thing as Redders.
Jake - I know and it doesn't help one bit but Redders is staff and should know better and it was aimed at me so I had a right to comment on it :).
Okay, you want me to offer a comment to improve it:

Undo what you changed/added then man up
Wow got to say Redders you are an example to the members of this site - a bad example. Cut the "my opinion is right" **** and grow up, I offered a visual option for people to comment on which I believed is an improvement and I knew people may not like it but at least it is an idea and a step into a positive direction instead of posting "I hate the skin" which you seemed to do for my mock up. Fair enough you may like the skin but others don't, I have created a stepping stone for more discussions by providing something people can see rather than words.
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It's still hideous despite your waffle.

You asked for comments.

Sean's taken similar comments like a man, you should.
I obviously know **** all on this subject mate, despite doing a graphic and media design uni course at a College of Arts and running a successful website.
Sorry I was under the impression staff weren't meant to be trolls and actually care about the site and conduct themselves in such way by listening to feedback instead of just hitting the shiny ban button.
It's still hideous despite your waffle.

Redders, I know this is off-topic but I think that Dec is right. He tried and as you have said before 'be constructive' you have not done this and you are just saying how your opinion is better.
Thank you Raphael, I didn't expect everyone to be like "OH MY GAWD, AMAZING!!!1" but at least I provided something to help and expected people to spend at least 2 minutes to comment on it with possible improvements and from staff more so. Obviously not.
Sigh, how I missed the pettiness of the FMB members while it was down.
Trying to go back on topic,I'd say,looking at the poll,it would be better to build on the older design.
I obviously know **** all on this subject mate, despite doing a graphic and media design uni course at a College of Arts and running a successful website.
Sorry I was under the impression staff weren't meant to be trolls and actually care about the site and conduct themselves in such way by listening to feedback instead of just hitting the shiny ban button.

I did accounting at university doesn't mean I know much about it. I care, a little, about the site, that's why I gave my opinion (never said it was the right opinion once, don't know where that's came from - assume it's because you know i'm right). No idea what you're talking about the ban button for, plus it's not even shiny.

Redders, I know this is off-topic but I think that Dec is right. He tried and as you have said before 'be constructive' you have not done this and you are just saying how your opinion is better.

I was as constructive as 90% of the posts on this thread. I said I didn't like it, I said how to improve it - infact my post was far superior than 90% of this thread. As for the opinion bit, see above.
Lee - Wouldn't say it was members, more like the moderator ;).

You gave the worst opinion ever taking in no consideration of the time I put in to create it. Just because others aren't constructive as a mod surely you would set by example instead of being a **** and following suite. As for the "know I am right" ****, if I did why would I create a mock of what I think looks good? Exactly. The way you presented yourself said it all.
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You have a large banner where the members name is located and i would suggest making everything central, including the time and post count.

Also, you could utilise this space to make the avatar a bit bigger? Still have it centrally, just a little larger,

I also liked seeing the recent threads/posts on the old style at the side even when on a selected thread, I don't know whether you moved it purposely but it was a good feature.