How are you even a Mod on this site really? Explain.Sigh.
Please will one of you three ritards point out where I said my opinion was the right one? And how hypocritical of you to have a dig at me for apparently claiming my opinion is correct before stating categorically that it isn't.
As for not seeing a're a tool.
I gave my opinion. I gave a suggestion to improve it. Get over it, Jesus wept.
and as for the "setting an example" testicles: I'm a mod on a forum, not your mother or an idol. Please follow the examples of all the other mods if you want to do that because I hate you all.
On topic (please stay on it as well, feel free to spout your nonsense on my visitor wall):
I wish the new site maintanance had culled the membership numbers down to <20.
Please will one of you three ritards point out where I said my opinion was the right one? And how hypocritical of you to have a dig at me for apparently claiming my opinion is correct before stating categorically that it isn't.
As for not seeing a're a tool.
I gave my opinion. I gave a suggestion to improve it. Get over it, Jesus wept.
and as for the "setting an example" testicles: I'm a mod on a forum, not your mother or an idol. Please follow the examples of all the other mods if you want to do that because I hate you all.
On topic (please stay on it as well, feel free to spout your nonsense on my visitor wall):
I wish the new site maintanance had culled the membership numbers down to <20.
Please will one of you three ritards point out where I said my opinion was the right one? And how hypocritical of you to have a dig at me for apparently claiming my opinion is correct before stating categorically that it isn't.
As for not seeing a're a tool.
I gave my opinion. I gave a suggestion to improve it. Get over it, Jesus wept.
and as for the "setting an example" testicles: I'm a mod on a forum, not your mother or an idol. Please follow the examples of all the other mods if you want to do that because I hate you all.
On topic (please stay on it as well, feel free to spout your nonsense on my visitor wall):
I wish the new site maintanance had culled the membership numbers down to <20.
Flamindamon - I think the site looks a lot better with the boxed look instead of the floating things, less contastive between the white and dark grey with the lighter grey in there though I still think it could be just a tad lighter.
Nice work Sean, looks brill now. What does everyone else think?
Calum - Look at the background it is now two tone grey where the header is.
Just two more things - The hooks on the main page streches the page down. Maybe remove the bottom two? Also the two links under this are blue and almost unreadable.
Also, no remember me feature for when you log in- Was much easier as I didn't have too put in my Username & Password each time
Thats what I meant, the recent threads should be added when you are in a thread...Recent threads is there, just not in threads