The site feels much smoother and faster today. Is this anything to do with removing the 'like' system? If it is, I'm all for it. The fact that you can rate blogs with a star rating more than compensates for it. Regular posts shouldn't need to be 'liked', as it ends up with people (like Jake) shamelessly looking for them
likes are better than people posting "this" or "whs" or "same" etc just to increase post count.. its there for people to agree with what the poster has said (instead of saying) "I agree with you" and needless spamming of threads...
I am actually quite shocked at the results of the poll at the moment... people just do not like change.. you needed to utilize the ADKAR Model for this process. I like it even though still dont really understand this whole blog system.... but thats me, I am old school!
also the smilies are not available in the normal replies....
Excuse my n00bness Sean if this has been answered. I know it came back earlier but will like system be ever back for good?
sticky threads need to be more seperated from the rest...
latest threads back again on the right, can't see what threads have been replied to recently throughout the different threads
also the smilies are not available in the normal replies....
I am actually quite shocked at the results of the poll at the moment... people just do not like change.. you needed to utilize the ADKAR Model for this process. I like it even though still dont really understand this whole blog system.... but thats me, I am old school!
also the smilies are not available in the normal replies....
The colour status thing green/orange next to persons names are appearing a couple of CM's below, in the comment.
They're in the right place for me (Firefox 4.0).
The hearts/grey shirts/online thing are all offline for me using crome. About 1.5cm lower than the name (about level with the top of the post).
Still looks a bit dodgy in Chrome, will have to sort that out tomorrow though.
I didn't like the change when I first saw it, but now I have given it a few days to sink in, I really like it. I am a big fan of darker backgrounds, due to my eyes starting to hurt after staring at a bright white screen after a hour or so.
Personally I would prefer not be notified when I get a post liked, just logged in and had 5 notifications (got excited I was popular for a minute). Turned out RTW had spammed likes on a few of my postsCud be annoying for the occasional post that generates multiple likes. Is there a personalised setting somewhere to have it on/off?
Nop, you're stuck with the notifications for now. They're hopefully allowing the option to disable notifications in the next update.
You two shouldn't have too much to worry about though, just keep your standard of posting how it is at the moment and you shouldn't get many (if any) notifications.
Not sure if this has been asked yet or not, but what makes a blog become a 'featured post' ? I've noticed it changes quite a lot, is it to do with it's popularity?