[FM14.X.X] Zero Sea's Rage 100℃ (╰_╯) -- Real 343 (ML+MR+3ST)

i wonder what suit the best for my LFC at first season. i wanna use 343 which is the most Zero successful tactic, but i think Coutinho (AMC)would be wasted. should i train Coutinho WM or ST? or use 4231 / 424 instead 343?
i wonder what suit the best for my LFC at first season. i wanna use 343 which is the most Zero successful tactic, but i think Coutinho (AMC)would be wasted. should i train Coutinho WM or ST? or use 4231 / 424 instead 343?

if you use 343 ML is better , also can tain to MC
His finishing is not enough

You can choose which tactic you prefer, or you can choose which tactic to use depending on your players.
Honestly, I'd love to play with this tactic but there's such a dearth of quality players who can play the MR and ML roles the way you've described them and - since I play FM Classic - I can't train players to play these positions. Unless maybe I've misunderstood the requirements?
in FMC you can retrain players in new positions by using them there for a while.
in FMC you can retrain players in new positions by using them there for a while.

You're right but that takes a long time in my experience. The other issue is that the cuts inside preferred move can't be taught and, from what the OP seems to be saying, that's required to make this work.
Hey ! Great to see next version is up already :)

I'm finishing up my current season as Everton with the V3 and will try the V4 next season (even is V3 is marvelous for me XD) will give feedback asap :)

Anyway to get a little review of the main changes from V3 to V4 ?
You're right but that takes a long time in my experience. The other issue is that the cuts inside preferred move can't be taught and, from what the OP seems to be saying, that's required to make this work.
All preferred move are not necessary
Ok so I just figured why I wasn't taking that much goals in this season, even tho it almost backfired pretty badly.

I was actually FULLY training my players all day every day on defensive positioning. I had no time for general training and no rest between matches. Since only match preparation doesn't cost too much stamina, I had no problems making everyone play everytime (even tho sometimes I had one or two players at 88%/90%).

The good side was, the defensive abilities of the team was incredible. The down side was that obviously, without proper training, players began to drop pretty badly in a few areas. Since I wanted to finish this season pretty fast I didn't noticed until far in the game, which is bad on my part, and some of my players really droped low skill-wise.

My season is still incredibly good... like I hardly believe it's actually happening but I might have to sell a few players because of that mistake.

Anyway, season is almost over so I'll soon be able to make a few screenshots of the V3 343R in a full season of 14.1.4.
Ok so I just figured why I wasn't taking that much goals in this season, even tho it almost backfired pretty badly.

Anyway, season is almost over so I'll soon be able to make a few screenshots of the V3 343R in a full season of 14.1.4.
You can try V4
I designed a new corner tactic for 14.1.4