I feel like I need my own personal physio, fitness coach and sports scientist. I must be the most injured player by now :p
Nice to see that i already scored 5 times this season, not bad for a centre back lol
Also nice to see i have only made 18 mistakes which is almost the lowest amount of the whole team
End of 2018/19 Season

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I had a few problems with some screenshots, so just decided to smash through the rest of the season and upload the last few months results. Unfortunately we couldn't quite get past Everton in the FA Cup, but pushed them all the way and am already confident we could compete in the Premiership.

Unsurprisingly we won our second consecutive double and have gained promotion to League 2.

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Urquidi picked up the Player of the Season award, following an incredible 25 goals and 19 assists off the Left Wing.

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As expected Rob Henry scooped u p the Golden Boot award with a mammoth total of 48 goals in 40 appearances!

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International and Player screenshots to come later!

On a separate note I have just noticed that only Paps2Sav is a HG player. He was the first player I created and just duplicated him but hadn't realised that the HG hadn't transferred to all the payers!

Therefore unless someone has the in-game editor and can alter this Gibraltar F.C will have to be disbanded and players sold. I would only therefore be able to carry on with the International team!

So does anyone have the in game editor??

I don't even have the game yet! Someone save our team!

(P.s. 66 goals in all comps... BOOM)
Would be interesting to see how all the players do if they all have to leave Gib FC
I think it’d be fun to see how we all do individually for a few years and maybe when we’re 30+, we can all reunite at Gibraltar FC.
Ok. So it looks like I will be accepting all offers for every player and will be down to the player to decide his future. It's a bit of a shame, as were racing through the Divisions and the board just announced plans to build a massive 140,000 capacity stadium for us!

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Such a shame the league team will have to be disbanded - 88 straight wins in the league and I was wondering how far we'd get before dropping points and a 140,000 capacity stadium is ridiculous. Really interested to see how everyone's career pans out from here.

The Internationals have gone well though, those 2 wins over Turkey must jump us up the rankings.
Will be sad to leave. Atleast the money that comes in will help build a decent team to continue the teams climb, thats if everyone leaves.
And together we may still win a major international comp
**** shame. Just hope I end up at Spurs, Wolves or Barca - anywhere but West Brom or Arsenal.
will be interesting to see if the stats jump a lot with moves to "bigger" clubs.
wait, aren't we all due to become HG anyway in year 3?
I thought it was 3 years signed for a club before the age of 21 so as soon as that ticks over everyone should be HG??
New Beginnings

So I ticked
accept all offers and went on holiday and the transfer results are shown below...

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I'll be holidaying through the season and just managing the internationals and will be just doing more of an end of season update.

I'm also going away on the 17th for a considerable amount of time so am going to try get as much done before then as wont have much time to get on FM after that...

******* 'ull ><. Better be just a stepping stone to man united or I'm throwing my toys right out the pram. Me and paps will lead em to the premiership at least :)

shame me we were forced to break up earlier though. Will be interesting to see how everyone does.

will you be posting seasonally or maybe end of each transfer window and season end?

Good luck in the big wide world fellow Gibralteans
Spurs will be a good place for Pablo to make his Mark!