Liverpool Sign Carroll - Also gets number 9 shirt

Do you guys think its Daglish doing the business or Comolli?

Dalglish is trying to convince Torres to stay, and trying to get a deal done for Charlie Adam. Dalglish give Comolli the go ahead to negotiate with Ajax and Suarez which was succesful and will be a done deal shortly. Not sure about the Carroll and Young ones, I doubt Comolli would risk 30 million on Andy Carroll although the same can be said for Kenny. Any negotiations Comolli does, Kenny gives him the thumbs up on.
£35m REALLY?!?

I completetly lol'ed at the 25m bidded by Spurs.. then this happened. Just say your not selling Torres, tell him to man up, and get on with it.

Not trying to make Liverpool sound like a special club or anything (even though we are ;)) but we're not the type of club to keep a player against their will. Look at Keegan, Rush, Alonso and now Torres, if a player wants to leave we generally let them.
[16:10] <Frank> 50m for an out of form world class striker > 35m for a brute whos scored a few goals
[16:10] <Frank> 50m for an out of form world class striker > 35m for a brute whos scored a few goals

even when Torres is out of form, he has scored 9 league goals so thats something to be noted
£35m REALLY?!?

I completetly lol'ed at the 25m bidded by Spurs.. then this happened. Just say your not selling Torres, tell him to man up, and get on with it.

Carroll > A Torres who has had a face like a slapped **** for the best part of 18 months.
Also, you're not getting Young. No bids recieved, and even if they were we wouldn't sell.

You can walk alone, thank you very much.
From skysports transfer clockwatch.
Interesting stats - if Liverpool pay £35million for Andy Carroll they are getting a player outscored in the Championship last season by Peter Whittingham, Nicky Maynard, Gary Hooper, Michael Chopra and Charlie Adam.
Can't tell you how much I want this Carroll deal to go through.

He has done well but £35M well? No chance!
Carroll > A Torres who has had a face like a slapped **** for the best part of 18 months.

lol 2 weeks ago he was everybody's hero, imagine if at the end he just ends up staying
[16:20] <@Jake> trofl rofl lolol carrol worth 35 million
[16:20] <@Jake> by that logic im worth 5 million because i have 2 legs that work
From skysports transfer clockwatch.
Interesting stats - if Liverpool pay £35million for Andy Carroll they are getting a player outscored in the Championship last season by Peter Whittingham, Nicky Maynard, Gary Hooper, Michael Chopra and Charlie Adam.

Or, as someone then tweeted, someone who has outscored Torres, Rooney, Bent and Drogba in the Premiership.
At the end of the day, Carroll is not worth £35 million, we're overpaying massively on him, half of that sum would still be more than he is worth in my opinion, yes he may work well with Suarez but there are strikers all over Europe that could..
Or, as someone then tweeted, someone who has outscored Torres, Rooney, Bent and Drogba in the Premiership.

in half a season...

Drogba has been suffering malaria
Torres and Rooney are out of form

Bent can hardly be in the same category as the above 3 mentioned

Hardly a fair comparison don't u think?
in half a season...

Drogba has been suffering malaria
Torres and Rooney are out of form

Bent can hardly be in the same category as the above 3 mentioned

Hardly a fair comparison don't u think?

LOL! Just because he made a comparison that made Carroll look good? Don't be a hypocrite.
in half a season...

Drogba has been suffering malaria
Torres and Rooney are out of form

Bent can hardly be in the same category as the above 3 mentioned

Hardly a fair comparison don't u think?

My point being that you can use any old stat and make it look good/bad.

Rooney and Torres out of form?! Surely that's their fault then is it?! That's a truly shocking excuse, sorry.

And what makes you think comparing England international Andy Carroll to Peter Whittingham, Nicky Maynard, Gary Hooper, Michael Chopra and Charlie Adam is a fair comparison?!