Liverpool Sign Carroll - Also gets number 9 shirt

If NESV can spend that much on Carroll, can they please spend that much on a LB and some wingers! (Hazard, anyone?)
Ronnie (80) Imveryrich (56), Kaka (55), El Backstabbo(if happens) (50), Zidane (45)Figo (40), Crespo(37), Villa (35)= Carroll (35)

Odd man out.. ;)
Well, if Torres doesn't sign with Chelsea, the whole thing will have been a complete farce, as that would also mean Carroll stays with Newcastle
Although I trust Commoli and his judgemnt I can't help but doubt this signing. Although having said that he is the sort of player we would need to play alongside Suarez, who thrives off the onground ball, which could be provided with a target man like Carroll alongside. Llorente isn't possible at the minute, afterall he is on the verge of signing for Madrid at the end of the season.So other than those two I can'ty think of anyone else I'd like to have, Forlan, being one of them, plays exceptionally well with suarez, but not sure what he would do considering his Manchster United past.

So let's say we get our £50m from Torres, and £35 is spent on Carroll, that would leave an additional £15m towards a new winger, which we clearly need, so that would pay most,if not all of Ashley Young's/Eden Hazard's value. Coupled with a target man and someone like Suarez that 3 man force could prove very successful.

As I said I trust in Commoli and even moreso in Kenny, to do what is best for the club.

Also, just want to ask the Liverpool fans [or anyone interested] if Torres were to remain here for the time being, proved successful alongside Suarez and helped us to a good finish, and he wanted to remain at Anfield, would you accept him back?

For me personally I'd always have a chip in my shoulder, but aslong as he didn't go about it in the manner of Tevez or Rooney I do think I'd like him to remain. Note: I mean he declares he wants to stay in the Summer, not now, any word now cannot be trusted.
Its not more than 35 mil. It was 25 this morning and they said 35 so we came back and said yes and we'll give you more (sky are idiots). It'll be 25 -30 plus add ons to get to 35.
Liverpool should just pull out of this deal. They should concentrate on Suarez and can build a good team in the summer with the money they get from Torres deal.
Go on liverpool, keep on increasing the bid!!!!:d we could be looking at 50 odd million pounds................wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooo
Second bid rejected :)

Raikan needs to get his **** to Anfield and give Kenny a 'striker shortlist'!
Also, just want to ask the Liverpool fans [or anyone interested] if Torres were to remain here for the time being, proved successful alongside Suarez and helped us to a good finish, and he wanted to remain at Anfield, would you accept him back?

No. Don't want him here longer than tonight now. He has ****** us about big time.

Good riddance.
Its not more than 35 mil. It was 25 this morning and they said 35 so we came back and said yes and we'll give you more (sky are idiots). It'll be 25 -30 plus add ons to get to 35.

At this moment, I trust sky more than you Alex. ^^)
no andy, i often think this, especially of the idiot who does la liga. seriously, 40m for him? and sky just said that was rejected. jesus dont go any higher, please... buy ****** llorente for way cheaper. i dont care if he's ****** english.
Gotta admit i am truly shocked we're paying that much...

But Suarez - Carrol frontline i think will be birlliant if they can match quickly..

although what about carroll's injury :S

Worrying times for me im afraid
If Liverpool let Torres go then they despreatly need another striker.
Ronnie (80) Imveryrich (56), Kaka (55), El Backstabbo(if happens) (50), Zidane (45)Figo (40), Crespo(37), Villa (35)= Carroll (35)

Odd man out.. ;)

Who's imveryrich? :$

Give normal names LOL.