Media want Rooney 'electrocuted'

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Some of the arguments on this thread are ridiculous
1) deserved a red card, no one is denying that

2) referee saw it, under FIFA and the FA's own rules, because the ref has seen it, they cant take retrospective action, any attempt to do would be utter double standard

3) becuase of 2 Rooney shouldnt, and cant be banned, even though he deserves too.

Everything else is irrevelant
Dermot Gallagher gave Thatcher a yellow card for an elbow on Mendes in 2006, this was overruled (I'm fairly sure he put it in writing that he'd make a mistake but can't find a reference for that), the FA overruled the yellow card and gave him an 8 match ban. Also the Williamson incident, where the referee was looking in the direction of the clash/possible dive, didn't give anything at the time but then retrospectively deemed it a red card after the game, resulting in the FA giving him a 3 game ban.
The Williamson incident as far as i can tell the referee claimed to have not seen it so he was able to act on video evidence. Rooney had a Free kick given against him and a talking to so the ref can't claim he didn't see it.
A similar thing happened to Rio Ferdinand last season so it doesn't just happen to the smaller clubs.

To be fair though the Gallagher incident i didn't remember. An exception was made due to the severity of the challenge which left Mendes unconcious. So i guess if the FA judge the tackle to be as severe as that one they could overrule the referee.
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Thanks for sparing then.

Anyways my thoughts on this incident.

Deserved a Red Card? Yes
Deserved a ban? Yes

Ref saw the incident: Yes
So will it be against FA rules if he is banned now:? Yes

And cant argue on half arsed "OMGAWD Rooney tried to kill someone, Rooney is a thug" posts anymore..

And I'm not interested in quoting anyone. If you lot think Elbowing is trying to injure then cant help.

1. Blowing it out of proportion.
2. If you are gonna talk about half arsed debates, have a look at your posts.
3. Why would he elbow him then? as far as I know, it hurts.
Read someone didn't want to get involved in this mud fight.
1. Blowing it out of proportion.
2. If you are gonna talk about half arsed debates, have a look at your posts.
3. Why would he elbow him then? as far as I know, it hurts.
Hurting is not the same as injuring.
Hurting is not the same as injuring.

How so? Both cause bodily harm, pretty much the same.

My view on this:

Rooney deliberately elbowed him to injure/hurt whatever you want to call it. It was a joke it was not a red, shocking he isn't banned, and now he can play against liverpool, a game in which he shouldn't. For whatever theory if he said something to Rooney [Which imo he blatantly didn't] it was uncalled for and the rule that the FA can't overrule the decision [Which as posted has been overturned] is ridiculous. If Rooney can't be banned, action should be taken against the ref for not handling the situation well.
How so? Both cause bodily harm, pretty much the same.

My view on this:

Rooney deliberately elbowed him to injure/hurt whatever you want to call it. It was a joke it was not a red, shocking he isn't banned, and now he can play against liverpool, a game in which he shouldn't. For whatever theory if he said something to Rooney [Which imo he blatantly didn't] it was uncalled for and the rule that the FA can't overrule the decision [Which as posted has been overturned] is ridiculous. If Rooney can't be banned, action should be taken against the ref for not handling the situation well.
as some of us talked about earlier, refs are hamstrung by guidelines they have to follow otherwise they get marked down, even if the guideline lacks common sense

Rooney has got away with one but lets not pretend hes the first, or even the last, until the rules are re written.

Dont see why there is a such an overreaction from about it. Is it becuase it he is Rooney, or because he plays for united?
I just saw the incident and I've seen a lot worse than a simple off the ball scuffle. Yeah, Rooney has been known as someone to be hot-headed, it should've been sending off (edited just then. after reviewing the video again).
Props to McCarthy to not make a huge deal of it and just get on with the game, like a true professional.

Zidane is a thug he headbuted Materazzi for pulling his shirt.

It was theoried that Zidane offered (in sarcasm, probably) that Macro could have his shirt after the match. Macro responded by saying something in the lines of "I would rather have that ***** of a sister of yours."
Protecting his honour, Zidane decided to take action.

Not saying it was just for Zidane to do such a thing, but it was wrong of Materazzi to say such things.
How so? Both cause bodily harm, pretty much the same.

My view on this:

Rooney deliberately elbowed him to injure/hurt whatever you want to call it. It was a joke it was not a red, shocking he isn't banned, and now he can play against liverpool, a game in which he shouldn't. For whatever theory if he said something to Rooney [Which imo he blatantly didn't] it was uncalled for and the rule that the FA can't overrule the decision [Which as posted has been overturned] is ridiculous. If Rooney can't be banned, action should be taken against the ref for not handling the situation well.
Being pinched hurts. It's not an injury.

I doubt he went into the challenge with much thought about anything let alone the thought that a good result would be breaking the players jaw. Just like i doubt zidane was hoping he'd break a few ribs when he headbutted matterazi. If he'd thought about it he would have realised just how stupid what he was going to do was.

However stupid the rule is it would be even stupider to stop using it midway through a season. Scrap it in the summer and start fresh for next season.
How has this thread gone for 5 pages. He deserved a red card, yes. The referee saw it and had a word with him but nothing else. He can't be banned. He's not a thug, The majority here are over-exaggerating because he's a United player and because he's Wayne Rooney. Funny how people said the media will do nothing because it's Rooney, they have. But then these same people are crucifying him for being Wayne Rooney.
as some of us talked about earlier, refs are hamstrung by guidelines they have to follow otherwise they get marked down, even if the guideline lacks common sense

Rooney has got away with one but lets not pretend hes the first, or even the last, until the rules are re written.

Dont see why there is a such an overreaction from about it. Is it becuase it he is Rooney, or because he plays for united?

It is obvious it was for the latter one.

And yeah pretty much spot on with Rooney is not the first one, wont be the last one to get away with the rule.
How has this thread gone for 5 pages. He deserved a red card, yes. The referee saw it and had a word with him but nothing else. He can't be banned. He's not a thug, The majority here are over-exaggerating because he's a United player and because he's Wayne Rooney. Funny how people said the media will do nothing because it's Rooney, they have. But then these same people are crucifying him for being Wayne Rooney.
Double standards to the max, seemingly wanted a rule that cant be overturned till two meeting are had in the summer, overturned instantly. we .all know he should be banned, and that rule should be removed in the summer (it should never have been put in), but interesting how people want the rule overturned when it suddenly suits them
Double standards to the max, seemingly wanted a rule that cant be overturned till two meeting are had in the summer, overturned instantly. we .all know he should be banned, and that rule should be removed in the summer (it should never have been put in), but interesting how people want the rule overturned when it suddenly suits them

People are acting like he's going to get away with it because he's playing for United, and oh no the FA will never do anything to hurt United. Lets ignore every other player that has got away with something though, because it suits our argument.

Dont see why there is a such an overreaction from about it. Is it becuase it he is Rooney, or because he plays for united?


Red Card? Yes, but the ref supposedly dealt with it so that should be that. Much like [ame=""]Gerrard's equally blatant elbow on Danny Welbeck[/ame] earlier in the season. The ref booked him and the FA done nothing additional.

Change the rules by all means but not half way through the season and not just because Wayne Rooney has done it

EDIT - I used Gerrard because it was first one I remembered NOT because its Gerrard or a Liverpool player
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The media have a field day because he is an easy target simple as that. He has made hige mistakes in the past the same as the likes of Terry and Cole did and they get targeted more viciously because of it. Haven't seen the incident yet but many Utd fans are saying he should have gone so for them to admit it then it must have been blatent.

Red Card? Yes, but the ref supposedly dealt with it so that should be that. Much like Gerrard's equally blatant elbow on Danny Welbeck earlier in the season. The ref booked him and the FA done nothing additional.

Change the rules by all means but not half way through the season and not just because Wayne Rooney has done it

EDIT - I used Gerrard because it was first one I remembered NOT because its Gerrard or a Liverpool player
that was worse than rooneys imo.
anyways, he's not going to get bad and although it was intentional it wasn't really vicious.
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