Started with Blackpool using this tactic...using the v2(with executioner OI's and Training Schedule)...will be winning 1-0 2-0 then suddenly 75minutes into the game the opposition gets super powers their wingers and strikers start passing and dribbling like Hazard and fabregas...WTF!!!...oh and my last match i conceded 4 goals in 5 minutes..was leading 4-1 till the 81st...
Guys, I've already said it many times before and I'll say it one more time... if you want to bring consistency of your performance on "next" level then you need learn to use Waste Time version from Executioner thread.
Yes, I understand it's much easier to use only one tactic all the time

but in this case be ready to accept all downsides it brings such frustration from missing opportunities to win the match which was almost in your pocket or elimination from Champions League play-off after heavy away lose.
Yes, it's also possible to use only one tactic all the time and have 100% win rate but in order to achieve that you need to have team which consists of 190+ CA players and when you have such team what tactic you use becomes not important at all.
Especially, you need be ready to use Waste Time version when your team steps into Champions League play-off because from that point you can't afford to make mistakes anymore and heavy away lose can cost you elimination. Your domestic league and group stage of Champions League are different beasts because you can afford to make mistake there and have heavy losses and still win your domestic league and your group.
Also it's important to understand that Waste Time version isn't "magical" tactic and you can concede when you use it and also it has worse goals ration then the base version but it does one simple and very useful thing it reduces your chances to concede as much as possible and there are many cases when it's exactly what you need.
Here are few examples how Waste time version can be used:
1) At any point of the match when you lead by 2+ goals(especially, when you play against top clubs).
2) Let's say you are at Champions League play-off and you won 1st leg home match by 2-3 goals so it will be a good move to start away match with Waste Time version but always be ready to switch for the base version if something goes wrong.
P.S. Btw, Waste Time version was recently updated to V3