Hi guys.. guzzla is working very hard to release nxt7. Some days ago he gave me "nxt 2001" one of the two thousand tactics he made to find the best one beacause as you know it's not easy to build a better tactic than nxt5 or nxt6 in this patch! Don't ask me the tactic he gave me, beacause I know he can make a better tactic than the one he gave me, so be patient.
Let's see some results.
As you can see, 5 wins and 31 goals done, 0 conceded.
I know I'm playing in 2017 but results are amazing.
I've done this post to inform you that we are trying to improving the tactic!
Some tips?
In my opinion when you play at home you should always train on Att. Movement, when you play away train on Att. Movement only when you are favourite.
I've used the OI in the first post.
You can try to put tackle harder in the OI, but if you are having too much yellow or red card, remove it.
Train players to their position in the field.
I think that's all, sorry for my english but it isn't my native language