Raoul Moat on the Loose

Im Greek but i saw that he shot a girl her boyfriend and a police officer..whats his problem!!did police found him?
well done to the police

for jumping on him very brave, we have a police service to be proud of
Dodgy reporter. Whenever a police officer asks me questions from now on, i'm just gonna say "no comment".

On Topic: That's him down for life. Wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow morning on the news it says "Raoul Moat escapes from Hospital" Wouldn't put it past him..
it was a gunshot wound, so maybe he did shot himself to some extent if he had ammunition, theres so many endless possibilites:P
He has only wounded himself or thats what the police man said at the news conference to bad he never killed himself would have been one less in jail
He didn't say how badly he was injured though, he might have broke a nail, or he might be clinging to life.
he has got a Gun Shot wooned last I heard.

He is on his way to hospital. Then to a jail cell i guess.
has anyone been on the sky website, they're practically glorifying it
There you go, A ambulance behind 2 police cars. with 2 behind it.

Well, I wanted it to end in a bang.. :\
you have to take into account how far away and how small the microphone is, i wouldnt like to be in the ambulance, god knows what he could pull off in there, i expect there will be 2 officers around him at all times while in the hospital etc, awk well eh:)
Was it just me, Or did the shouting after the Gun shot sound like Joe Swanson of family guy? XD

Still don't think it's completely over, well is it the "Most wanted man" But there's gonna be alot of after mouth and questions in the next days..
both my friend. or like i just done won the world cup with brazil in brazil in 2014, thats my **** haha.

Wow! I dont think this will happen in real life tho :P
When sky played the microphone sound of the Gunshot did anyone else think they heard two shots? Im fairly convinced i heard a rifle shot about a second before the Shotgun shot.
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