I know what his wages are, he got them earlier this month when he signed his bumper contract. The point we're all making is that Spurs have to break their wage structure to sign a player of that caliber. and Levy is no mug, he wouldnt bid if he couldnt afford it, it may not happen this window, but if Levy is bidding then Spurs can payWell is this even confirmed? Aguero is on huge wages and i really mean it. One of the best paid players in La Liga. And harry said today they wont buy anyone anymore....but i dont trust him tbh.
And Spurs wont put players on 100k+/a week wages. So im almoste 100 percent sure this wont happen.
Lol cos he didn't spend portsmouth dry??If 'Arry didn't think we could afford him then he wouldn't pay it, he is a safe manager
Defense, most notably the full backs are pretty poor, but the rest of the team is genuinely incredible.
Tax implications on Aguero mean no deal reached
You can't be almost a 100% sure, when Levy's your chairmen :$
Hmm, I fell that Corluka is far far far more solid defensively than Hutton, and he brings the best out of Lennon, where as Benny and Bale have a good partnership. Would be a good defence given time.
Up the bid please Daniel? (K)
I know he is a fantastic chairman but im just being realistic. Tomorrow is the last day of the window. And i dont think Aguero would make the decision to leave Atletico tomorrow. He loves the club...and he is one of those loyal players in football. (there aren't many left)
well he asked to have his minimum clause lowered from 52million. He is loyal but he also wants to be the very best, and isnt sure he can achieve that at atletico, hence why they had a bumper contract signedI know he is a fantastic chairman but im just being realistic. Tomorrow is the last day of the window. And i dont think Aguero would make the decision to leave Atletico tomorrow. He loves the club...and he is one of those loyal players in football. (there aren't many left)
Harry said a few days ago that they are struggling to find strikers with lower than 100k wages...i really dont think Levy would break the bank regarding wages. Well...let's see what happens tomorrowMancini said today after the FA cup match that we might buy a winger tomorrow. Not sure if we do....really going to be exciting ;D
They tried to get Llorente, Negredo and Rossi too according to SSN - Balague
Torres may be at Chelsea
Aguerro may be at spurs
they're like the new Portsmouth, if only 'arry was in charge - oh waitAND Parker... When will 'Arry stop spending? Man City of North London..
AND Parker... When will 'Arry stop spending? Man City of North London..