The King is Dead! Long Live King Kenny...

Will Kenny Be Kept On By The 'Pool At The End Of His 6th Month Contract

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 86.7%
  • No

    Votes: 15 13.3%

  • Total voters
I arrrived at Anfield the following day having woke up to the artcile from Fernando. The first bit of business was to finalize the contract, a four year deal, with a sizeable amount of money. With that massive clause:

'In case of any decision, mutual or otherwise there will be no compensation fee paid.'

I signed it instantly, and had no regrets about the compensation, i'd have worked for free if the club required it. We then sat down to talk trasnfer targets, i asked for a quote on a budget.
'We dont want to give an exact figure Kenny, but if you give us two lists, an important player/marquee player list as well as another list of other players youth/squad players then ourselves and Damien will be straight onto it.' we'd also like a list of players you wouldnt mind leaving the club. After these players have left and we've got as many of the players in a feesable financial state then we'll give you an exact quotation of the funds remaining.'

This was good enough for me, so i took a couple of hours sat with Jamie, Damien, Sammy and Steve drawing up two lists and then handed them to Tom.

Abel Hernandez
David Luiz
Shaun Wright-Phillips
Fabio Contrao
Charlie Adam
Ashley Young
Andy Carrol
Juan Mata


Joe Mattock
Andrea Poli
Arda Turran
Ibrahim Affelay
Seamus Coleman


Players Willing To Release:


I knew this was a lot of players, but this is a poor squad and for a champions league charge we needed depth, and quallity i thought these changes would help massivley
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i'm keen on keeping lucas and babel, but they are players im willing to let go for the right price :)
probaly when ive played up to a week before the first pre season game then it'll be a big update on transfers, or i could update in news broadcasts as i go along? which do you think is best?
Im so happy you continued :) Can't wait to read throughout the next season
I had returned to my beloved club for the third time I was like a little kid again, as i pulled up to Anfield in the afternoon I stopped for almost an hour signing an incredible amount of autographs from my car, these fans deserved something back for getting me here. I exchanged just a quick hand shake with John W Henry before Tom Warner took me off to the conference room for my first press conference since returning for my third stint as manager.


Kenny welcome back again! How have the last 48 hours been for you?
Well i guess you're expecting me to say stressful haha, but it hasnt been, its been enjoyable, just two days ago there i was showing my youngest grandchild a video of some of my performences and then i was invited to return to the club i accepted and now im here so its just been very joyful.

Well would you say the last two weeks gave been stressful?
well yes i think that's a fair analogy, i never felt i deserved to leave the club in the first place, but i'd like to give a lot of credit to the fans. For me this re-appointment is as much about me as it is for them.

Kenny alot of your success last year was based on man management is that how it'll will be for aslong as you're now here?
Yes it will be very similar, obviously i will be more involved in the techinical stuff now that im here for longer and with young players coming through, but i maintain the fact that to get confidence in the player is the best thing at a respectable age. These players are premier league players because they already have fantastic technique and with the right word a lot of these players will blossom.

Since you returned there has been a lot of talk and speculation about Fernando Torres, where do you think his future lies?
I think Fernando could still have a huge future here. Obviously noises have been made about him leaving, but for me i would like to see him going no where and just becoming one of if not the greatest Liverpool striker of all time. That's what im going to tell him and we'll see what his answer is.

Has there been any talk of transfers in or out of the club? and will you handle them directly?
To answer the later half first, Damien and i have a great relationship, i identify the players and then he goes and gets them and i think that works will, there will never be a transfer i have not finalised. with regards to players, there will be movement out of the club as i think people recognize the amount i am not sure but there will deffinetly be movement. Finally with regards to the talk of players coming in then yeh there will be that as well, just who we are not sure we have spoke in length about some players and if they were to come in the squad would deffinetly improve.

So no comment on the move for Charlie Adam?
Everyone knows Charlies quallity and that im a keen admirer. But im also great friends with Ian Holloway and im going to respect him if we put in a bid that we believe to be viable and they say no we will not pursue the players because of my admiration for Olly. We actually have a little agreement where i look to loan players to Blackpool, this is in place as it gives our youngster premier league experience as well as working with a man who i believe to be a little genius. They also play football in the right way.

Cheers gentlemen.

That was the end of my re introduction to the club. I was then taken away to the pitch for the photographers to get their snap of me back at the place i love.


That was all the media coverage out of the way. Now it would be down to the formal business and beginning to get things right at this club again.

---------- Post added at 05:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------

Dalglish Rages As Young Star Refuses New Contract And Set For Move

Kenny Dalglish has declared him self 'furious' with Martin kelly who has rejected a new contract from his boyhood club Liverpool and has instead accepted a contract offer from Watford. This has enraged manager and club icon Dalglish who stated 'We couldnt have done more for Kelly.' 'I dont know if he expected to be a regular first teamer here at the age of 19? But if he'd hung around for two years he would have deffinatly been the number one right back at the club.'
Kelly has instead opted a move down the divisions to gain 'first team football.' Dalglish responded with. 'Martin could quite easily have spent next year on loan at Watford or wherever he wanted to move, however hes decided to go permenantly and that baffles me.

great update, thanks for carrying it on! Look forward to see the signings and preseason!

Dalglish Begins Player Cull But States: 'My Phone Will Always Be Open For A Talk With Me'
Kenny Dalglish has already began reducing his squad by clearing out no less than eleven players before many superstars set off on their holidays away. Many of the players are youth players without contracts renews but there are also some big names that Liverpool have sold before pre season begins. However Dalglish has left an open door to both the youngsters and senior players that have left. 'Some of these players have been critisiced unfairly, it was not their fault they were brought to the club and i would extend an invitation to all who have left the club in the last three days to give me a call whenever they feel like it.'
Players that have left:
Christian Poulsen - Blackburn - £4m
Soto Kyriakos - free
Martin Hansen - free
Gerardo Bruna - free
Steve Irwin - free
Martin Kelly - free
Jordy Brouwer - free
Nicola Saric - free
Charles Itandje - Manchester City - £2m
Maxi Rodriguez - Sevilla - £3.7m


I was dissapointed to see some faces go, Sotiris was a great friend and had done wonders for me,but his legs had gone, same too with Maxi, maxi is a good player but ageing and we all felt we could cash in. I am still working on removing more of the dead wood before i start working on bringing players in. I will let the players take a rest on holiday and phone them all individualy see if there are concerns and if there are players who themselves want to leave. I am perticularly going to give Fernando a ring as soon as to find out his mind set. I only want him here if he is 100% commited i dont want any half hearted players come the start of the season. We are going to push for the champions league so we dont just need bodies we need quality.
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Wow is all I can say pal. Firs time I have read this and I have just spent half an hour reading the whole thing! Just brilliant, hope you keep it up.
yeah I love this, absolutely class stuff. match by match updates would be best imo btw, like a skysports match report or somethin with kennys thoughts :)
but obviously its your call and ill read regardless!!
this is quality keep it coming love this story...get rid of torres bring in a fresh star!!!!
I had already managed to bring some funds and space into the club. I was happy with the initial transfer dealings, and i wanted to stick to my policy of only allowing players to leave the club whilst they were holidaying and bringing in players when all the squad return back at melwood. I spent a couple of hours today on the phone with Roberto Mancini, we go back quite far as friends and ive always been a big fan of his, his philophysy and just his all round manner he's a great guy. The initial call was about Shaun Wright-Phillips but i wanted to talk about Emmanuel Adebayor first as to not show how keen i was for shaun.

I was shocked that Roberto told me that they were only looking for £2m for Shaun, to me that sounded like a fantastic deal, i didnt let on to Roberto and as soon as our phone conversation was over i sent a text to Damien 'SWP for £2m wages will probs be high but this could be sorted in a day.' He text back simply saying 'it'll be done' i had heard things about this mans time at Spurs with newspapers constantly saying he was too involved with things, but i was so impressed with him. He is a fantastic negoiator and i knew i could trust him to get deals done, and done in the right way, i text him saying id give him a call later on about other players. I was perticularly keen to find out about Charlie Adam who i was so keen to bring to us.


Dalglish Looks To Sure Up Deals For Wright-Phillips And Adam!
It has been revealed by sky sources today that Shaun Wright-Phillips and Charlie Adam are high on Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglishes wishlist. It is rumoured that SWP is availible for as little as £5m with Adam's value a little unknown. Holloway has said that Adam is worth £43m to the club where as Liverpool would be looking to pay just £6m for the player. To add to the speculation Wright-Phillips tweeted 'Moving once again, glad to be staying up north (Y)' Dalglish is expected to make many signings this year, however these two could be key to who he releases, Holloway has said that Liverpool is the only club he'd sell Adam too due to his admiration for Dalglish but only if they lent a few players to Blackpool in return.


---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------

The wright-phillips deal was too good to leave for to long, so we got it wrapped up as soon as possible, it was captured by SkySports at just £2m it was in my opinion a bargain.

Wright-Phillips Arrives On Merseyside For Medical:
Sky Sources understand that Shaun Wright-Phillips has arrived at Liverpool Training ground for a medical before he puts pen to paper on 3-year deal with the club after the parties decided upon a fee. There has yet been no press release from liverpool, but our sources captured a picture of Wright-Phillips arriving at the clubs car park.
