Can you guys recommend a team to play with this tactic?
I won the league with southampton in the first season and champions league in the second season. Pretty fun team

Looks amazing, can you put ss or message me your first and second season squad if possible please?
Have you gotten rid of the TFF Unstoppable V2? I was just about to write about how great the tactis is ��.
If this new Tactic is better it has a lot to live up to!
Looks amazing, can you put ss or message me your first and second season squad if possible please?

Only bought Lucas Romero in the 1st season. For the 2nd season i bought Quintero, Balanta, Wilshere, Leo (Atletico) and Ron-Robert Zieler. Had a very tough start and was 11th in december.. But i fought my way up to 4th and won the Champions League so that was great. Buying some CB cover for my 3rd season and I've maxed out my coaches with the best avaliable.
Only bought Lucas Romero in the 1st season. For the 2nd season i bought Quintero, Balanta, Wilshere, Leo (Atletico) and Ron-Robert Zieler. Had a very tough start and was 11th in december.. But i fought my way up to 4th and won the Champions League so that was great. Buying some CB cover for my 3rd season and I've maxed out my coaches with the best avaliable.

Thanks alot mate.

Guys, I've added description and attributes recommendation for DCL/DCR positions to front post.

what do you use for the individual training ?

Good tactic :)

Thanks mate!

Ehh... but it's just impossible to advise individual training for player without seeing his attributer first. There's description of every position in front post and attribute recommendation for it I think it can give a good hint what individual training to use.
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This updated tactic is so far the best I have used, well done!
What team should i play on patch 14.3.0? And Using V3? Westham, Southampton, Real Socciedad
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Great tactic. Am in first season with Swansea and challenging for title with two months to go. Will be interesting to see how this develops after a few transfer Windows when I've had a chance to tailor the squad fully. have already retained capital one cup though |)
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Guys, I’ve updated a little bit attributes recommendation for positions in front post, added few and made it more readable. I think it can give a good hint what individual training to choose for players and made it more easy to decide what players more suited for the tactic.

Especially I recommend check out attributes for full backs(DL/DR) because these positions are very important.
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Guys, I’ve updated a little bit attributes recommendation for positions in front post, added few and made it more readable. I think it can give a good hint what individual training to choose for players and made it more easy to decide what players more suited for the tactic.

Especially I recommend check out attributes for full backs(DL/DR) because these positions are very important.

Thanks man, still using this tactic and walking the league in the 3rd season now. Quintero is immense in the AMC position. Should take some time out and make some filters for every position but i cant really be arsed :D
At xmas now and having a form downturn, any ideas?

ps im using V3
Overload tactic looks usefull, i draw alot with Southampton,thanks
At xmas now and having a form downturn, any ideas?

ps im using V3

All about the teamtalks. IMO the main teamtalk guide for fm14 leads to complacency and nervousness. The goal with teamtalks when you're playing well is to get players at high morale and then keep them there without causing complacency. IMO you should NEVER use an aggressive teamtalk. Ever. Nor really assertive. These tones cause huge swings in mood. When you're playing well you don't need huge swings in mood. You need small tweaks to mood.

So the way I handle it is this:
-If your players are nervous or frustrated at halftime, like half your team or more, do not EVER EVER EVER tell them you're disappointed in them. You will never, ever, ever turn around a result by telling nervous and angry players that you're disappointed in them. You will just make them more nervous and angry. Tell them they were unlucky. It doesn't even matter if you believe it, it's your only chance.
- Do not tell every player "you have faith". Before the game, anyone with less than "superb" morale I will tell "you have faith". At halftime anyone who does not have either "looking calm" or "looking motivated" I will tell "you have faith". Telling players "you have faith" too much will cause them to be complacent.

You have to separate different kinds of issues. You should tell your team you're disappointed if they didn't try hard enough. This means if they were complacent or not motivated. If they played hard and created as many chances as the opponent but lost, why are you so angry with them? It's not fair to yell at them for losing or drawing the occasional game. They will then fear you yelling at them after 15 minutes without scoring a goal, which will cause them to not score goals.

This is just a general philosophy, and my ideas from trial and error, but IMO the midseason dip in form is all about using teamtalks poorly and causing too many swings in emotion and morale from the team.
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