Can anyone tell me if this has been addressed, so I know if I can be bothered picking up this game anymore:
-players who instantly upon receiving the ball turn their back on direction of play and opponents
-players on 6-yard line with clear shot turning the ball back to someone 20+ yards out
-players constantly finishing from a 90 degree angle to the goal instead of playing the 45 degree out to the 3 players avilable (as opposed to what they do in my point above)
-players around the 18-yard line who turn play all the way back to own keeper
-full backs who upon receiving the ball stop dead and stand there waiting to be disposessed by opponent with subsequent clear run.
-players who randomly run past the ball instead of catching it, leaving opponent clear run on goal.
-goalkeeper standing frozen still, shot going through him into net
-goalkeeper not so much throwing himself where he stands as just collapsing, not after the ball
-overload, pump ball into box, get ball forward, 2 mins left = ******* about own side of midfield playing 5-a-side.
-same as above, goal down, going for Guinness record possesion 30 yards out, not chasing equaliser.
-passing style apparently not effecting anything at all how one passes the ball.
-defenders, despite man mark, get stuck in, max closing down - standing around 3-4 of them watching the ball in own area instead of clearing it, leaving lone striker to score.
-same settings as above = stand off, stand off, stand off, back to own 6 yard line. Shot from 18 and goal against.
-player spending best part of the half to turn direction to own goal on breakdown, leaving lone striker clear run on goal.
-and MOST of all, yet again exaggerating influence of tactics to the point one has to spend 3 months IRL (not in-game time) tweaking, tweaking, tweaking tactics without getting nowhere. Even my club managed to get a 3rd place by spending enough millions on individuals, despite having the leagues most clueless tactician EVER for a manager!
How large a portion of customers are that nerdy in their approach to the game to accept that? It kills ALL playability. You end up not giving a **** about any other aspects of the game than tweaking tactics between every match.
I've played this series since CM93. And all this bullshit I've just listed is the reason I left it in 2007, as in my opinion, the game is utter ****. They peaked with 01/02, and ever since it's been nothing but downhill. The solution is to pound on functionality after functionality for "depth" to call it "realistic", yet playability is diminished year after year, and SI aren't clueing up at all!