As a long time fan (and a quite experienced user, if I might say so myself) of FM, I've kept playing 2012 until now. Just ordered my FM 2013 yesterday, and I'm looking forward to get the new FM experience with (most) flaws ironed out
To the complainers (about the need for patches overall, and the game being "unfinished"),
this is my view: If you'd try to tell any other game developer/game project group to develop a new game every 12 months, what do you think will happen? A new, flawless game would just pop up every year? Personally, I don't think so...
I'm just another football fan, combined with a gamer (and a manager, in my fantasies

). I would like nothing better than to have a perfect, brilliant new game every November (or so). But I'm realistic enough to see, that's not gonna happen. So, I wait. And in January/February every year, I have that game.
I'm just sayin', if you really like the previous version and enjoy your saves, try waiting another three months before getting the new game. Might just save you a lot of unneccessary rage-quitting, crushed keyboards and other frustrations.