What are your Pet hates?

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I wasnt too bothered about the drink because they gave me a large I asked for a medium but it was the noo chips that ****** me off.

Nice one on the free meal mate.
I hate the police aswell. Just power abusing scum. Spent too many night and weekends in cells for nothing but them to look like their busy and took a few beatings aswell.
haha total ******* im on curfew now and they came to check if me and my cousin are in today....my cousin was fast asleep so it took him a while to come downstairs and they already threatening to arrest me and so forth haha. making noise up in my peaceful neigbourhood. the scums
i hate people who dont have disabilities but live off benefits and moan about how hard their life is, seriously you sit all day and get a **** load of money, stop talking
I got arrested for attampt murder when I was 16 of which I was completely innocent infact I doubt there was even an attempted murder. Spent 9 months getting harrased. Took all the clothes I had on at the time. Kept a £20 note I had on me. DNA tested me and everything and just to be ***** they kept me in the monday and I missed one of my exams.
haha im on for the same thing aswell mate. funny thing is the lads were being racist to me. Jumped me a few times and came to my house where my whole family lives and smashed my window. the police came and said oh there is nothing we can do about it since they didnt come into the house. so they just left. like it was nothing and i had to pay for my own window to be flippen fixed. then when i dealt with the geezers i got arrested. fucken pathetic
british police are all useless, thats why the bill is so unrealistic
I hate that mate. When I was at school there was one asian guy in my class and we all made him feel welcome you know. One day I was walking through Sighthill where he stays and I past him and a group of his mates so I shouted him just to like say hello n he jst gave me a load of abuse like you scottish ***** n that maybe about 5 or 6 of them came at me so I ran as you do. Go away but got cracked over the back of the head with somthing hard tho not quite sure what it was.I just felt betrayed but lets just say I got revenge haha.
british police are all useless, thats why the bill is so unrealistic

haha well put mate

Oh u scottish ******* :). mate i moved to a very racist area from london lately and I didnt know anybody, but the scottish and the Irish pikeys took me in very well. You are family to me mate. and yes i have to say i like celtic a bit now since i watch them play every now and then even though we ( arsenal) knocked u out of the champions league. Oh well. its football...

and talking about being betrayed by a good asian friend. one punched me in school infront of all his mates because apparently i said something about his mom...i tried to explain to him that i didnt and he just punched me a couple times. I cried because it hurt me that he hit me for no reason and he was one of my closest friends. but oh well. Like you said..I got my revenge too..next day I did say something about his mom and when he came over fuming i kicked the **** out of him and his other cheekey mate. it was funny. lool
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People who cant live within the law and then blame the enforcers when they get caught.

If your car was stolen, who would you call?? (and dont say "I wud call ma mates an they will rock up wiv the nine and de gauge", there are no gangsters here :P).
You would call the police, and I bet the phone call would not include the line "By the way, before you respond to my call, I want you to know that I think you are all scum..".

Grow up.
People that cry about the police being 'scum'.

If they weren't there you would have been raped by now.
I got arrested for attampt murder when I was 16 of which I was completely innocent infact I doubt there was even an attempted murder. Spent 9 months getting harrased. Took all the clothes I had on at the time. Kept a £20 note I had on me. DNA tested me and everything and just to be ***** they kept me in the monday and I missed one of my exams.

The coppers do arrest random people for their DNA so they know if it's you if you do anything later. But if you were wearing a track suit, the coppers were doing you a favour:P

i was attempted robbed/beaten up by a bunch of Pakistanis (they ended up losing) and the coppers were literally looking the other way. Could even see their car. My mate was robbed by the same Pakistanis later, but this time they'd brought their friends...

However, i don't think they're scum. Just useless.
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You all sound like you need to do what I do, check your food in the drive thru. I don't even leave the window, it ****** people off but more than half the time they cocked up so the hatred pays off.
I hate far too much in the world so I'm not gonna start.
You all sound like you need to do what I do, check your food in the drive thru. I don't even leave the window, it ****** people off but more than half the time they cocked up so the hatred pays off.

The problem is they have cottoned on to that in my local mcdonalds, they shut the window as soon as they hand you the bag. when theres been a real big **** up i sit there tooting my horn until they come back, but if its something annoyingly simple then i go round again, as long as its not busy.....

As for all this police stuff, the only decent police in my area are the traffic cops, they do a good job (despite having nevercaught me.... :P) although this is mainly due to idiots not noticing their unmarked cars. seriously, how many brand new, perfectly clean, unbranded (as in no dealership stickers) volvos/mondeos with 3 aerials can there be on the road?!
Lol i forgot to say I HATE Police. believe me. some of them are alright but you get the odd c*nts who think they are gods. and haha div_muzza i dont appreciate it staring at my window all the time. it scares the **** out of me. and it rips my bin every wednesday.

YouTube- **** Tha Police - N.W.A.

Thats happens everytime I go to the McDonalds up the road form me they **** something up. Last time I ordered 2 meals(Hey I'm a big lad. No they werent both for me.) and when they handed it over noticed the driks were different sizes so I was like wits this I ordered 2 medium she said bla bla I can change it but I wasnt too bothered so was like fine then got home and only had one chips.

Anyone who goes to that McDonald in Springburn allways count your change trust me.

I don't know if it's already been posted because I can't be bothered to look through 10 pages, but one thing that really gets on my **** is ATM dwellers.

Take an age to put in a four digit pin, check their balance, print a mini statement of said balance, ask for another service and withdraw money, wait for receipt, stand there reading reciept, stand there some more making sure the ATM hasn't magicaly stayed on for the next person to withdraw their moneys.

Just withdraw your fookin moneys and get out the way!
Yeh mate when the police mistreat you one day you will come back and cry about what ***** they are. And believe me I wasnt a police hater till lately. Like Gregor and the famous NWA said **** THE POLICE!
I don't know if it's already been posted because I can't be bothered to look through 10 pages, but one thing that really gets on my **** is ATM dwellers.

Take an age to put in a four digit pin, check their balance, print a mini statement of said balance, ask for another service and withdraw money, wait for receipt, stand there reading reciept, stand there some more making sure the ATM hasn't magicaly stayed on for the next person to withdraw their moneys.

Just withdraw your fookin moneys and get out the way!

AMGAD its Wes <3
Don't know if its been mentioned but i hate it when one of you mates clearly wants something off of you, like your food and when you keep insisting no then they get all moody and are like 'oh fine'. Then you give in and offer it to them but they don't want it anymore. Just annoys me.
I detest people with no manners.
I hate lil scummy chavs on the back of the bus blasting that awful music like its a ******* rave.
In football, I hate bottlers. People who dont want ato tackle incase they get hurt.
I also hate they way the yank films make the English sound like such snobs!
The coppers do arrest random people for their DNA so they know if it's you if you do anything later. But if you were wearing a track suit, the coppers were doing you a favour:P

i was attempted robbed/beaten up by a bunch of Pakistanis (they ended up losing) and the coppers were literally looking the other way. Could even see their car. My mate was robbed by the same Pakistanis later, but this time they'd brought their friends...

However, i don't think they're scum. Just useless.

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Yip I had on a brand new tracky 1 week I had it. £150 it cost me and I never got it back.