What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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Adverts that say 'Only available in England and Wales' when advertised in Scotland :)
i dont like that no one gives credit to the americans in football
£30 a week to travel to school?
my bus cost 5 to get to school and 5 home that is £25 a week, i dont have to pay that at the minute because i am 5th year, but next year i will have to. That £30 is every 2 weeks, so i will have to pay the extra £20 myself :'(, presuming i get £30 because most people dont get that much. And they say education is free :S

Rant over (6)
20 likes suggests people agree! tbh i hate many americans in general. they are SO big headed as a collective nation. also they way they cream over their flag gets under my skin. and finally when they try and do an english/ scottish/ welsh accent and sound like the feckin queen, it soooo annoying. of course im not saying its all of them but it does seem to be the vast majority.

phew, rant over
Americans seem to think all English people are upper class snobs, they couldn't be more wrong, they should hit Boro town centre on a Friday night, that would set them straight.

Its strange how many misconceptions Americans have about the English, especially when a large percentage are decended from English immigrants.
my bus cost 5 to get to school and 5 home that is £25 a week

If it's £5 to get there and £5 to return, thats £10 per day. If the total is £25? does that mean you go to and from school on Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday you go but don't return??
****** EMA. what exactly is it for may i ask? just funding teenagers at least 50 per cent of whom will use it to go out and buy booz and cause trouble. then the government complain about troublemaking kids. YOU ARE THE ONES FUNDING IT GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Teenage stereotyping.

That's probably the thing that annoys me above all.

Most of us hate these; smoking, drinking, drugged up scum that give us this bad name.
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Think of it more as a financial insentive to get educated, I know some people who wouldn't have bothered with college if it wasn't for EMA so it's helped them out in the long run and they'll most likely pay back that money in taxes so it's not as bad as you make out..

good point, but surely that would lead to some people going to college or 6th form just to earn money and generally do no work? its a waste of the college's resources and time. so some will end up not being educated anyway

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

Teenage stereotyping.

That's probably the thing that annoys me above all.

Most of us hate these; smoking, drinking, drugged up scum that give us this bad name.

i am a teenager :) and yes it is annoying that people think we are all like that, but let's be honest, there are a fair few that are.
Teenage stereotyping.

That's probably the thing that annoys me above all.

Most of us hate these; smoking, drinking, drugged up scum that give us this bad name.

Stuck up people who doesn't know the word fun. (6)
Americans seem to think all English people are upper class snobs, they couldn't be more wrong, they should hit Boro town centre on a Friday night, that would set them straight.

Its strange how many misconceptions Americans have about the English, especially when a large percentage are decended from English immigrants.

exactly. its not even just the English, i think pretty much every nation is sick of being stereotyped by them. I have a good friend, an Australian, who is extremely sick of his country being generalised constantly by Americans.

---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 PM ----------

my bus cost 5 to get to school and 5 home that is £25 a week, i dont have to pay that at the minute because i am 5th year, but next year i will have to. That £30 is every 2 weeks, so i will have to pay the extra £20 myself :'(, presuming i get £30 because most people dont get that much. And they say education is free :S

Rant over (6)

£10 a day to travel, what do you take a plane! ;) fair point then, but in my area bus fare is £3:50 return, and thats forgetting that a lot of people get a lift. in your case then, EMA is completely fair. i just mean that in the majority of cases, most of it will not be spent on travel, but on things completely unrelated to education. not to mention the special "bonuses" for good work. which went to everyone, irrespective of attendence, grades, behavior etc
Making a decision to take the rest of the week off. Having stacks of beer in the fridge. Drinking 8 cans of lager and suddenly realising that you are ****** ??
Wanting to stay up blasting old rock tracks on youtube and finish your beers but thinking that you might throw your guts up???

What the **** is that about??
Another has to be manners, People don't seem to have them anymore? I held a door open for a young mum and her baby and didnt get as much as a thanks or a smile....prat

I hate this! ignorant people. and elderely people especially. You do something to be kind and then they looked shocked or don't even acknowledge you did it. Ohh and when you say hello to someone and the just pure blank you.

Idiotic people who have children when they clearly they cannot afford to look after themselves and people like me pay for it.
Jeremy Kyle would be out of a job though if this wasn't the case. The amount of people who go on that show having had a baby and being on the brew is shocking, and most of the time they don't even know who the dad is.:O

I also hate it on xbox when your internet connection lags out XD
Communists and Autonomous people! They destroy everything, hates the government and want everything for free those lazy bastards!

The right wing is the right way!
The 'rents....

You wake up early, they moan
You wake up late, they moan
People eating with their mouth open
People talking while eating
People who individually lick each finger after eating something
Idiot drivers. Those who are up your **** in a 30 zone were you do 35, but when it changes to 50, they're nowhere to be seen.
Women driver's, not all, but i haven't got through traffic lights twice because women have been applying make-up in their mirror and not paying attention.
People 'trying for' and having a baby, even though they don't have a stable career and they still live with their parents.