What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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I have a few more pet hates which i have acquired recently. lol

Parents who pierce childrens ears when they are babies..it's just wrong and tacky!

People who are ungrateful for things that have been given to them for free and expect more..for example, My friend recently was given a car for her 21st birthday yet she complained constantly that there were dents in it and that one of the wing mirrors wasn't the same colour as the other one...ffs you got a car for FREE stop complaining!! grrrr. lol

Customers who think your an idiot because you are young and demand to speak to someone who is older ..they are still going to say the same thing as me!
The popularity of fantasising you have OCD's because its cool.

"I have an OCD in brushing my teeth because i brush my teeth everyday and also with food because i have to eat food everyday lololol"

Melodramatic ******.

So no matter how much I tried to convince you that I genuinely have it, you wouldn't believe me? ;)

With no disrespect to anyone on here, people who are not dyslexic and cannot spell simple words right.

People who are walking right in front of you and then decide to stop.

Elderly people (Yet again, no disrespect intended) but those who are rude to you when you have gone out your way to help them ( like holding a door opening for them when they are clearly struggling) and not getting any manners when they would clearly complain if I was rude to them.

People thinking I'm an arsehole because I'm a teenager.
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Fat people who rent a mobility scooter so they can use the disabled queue in theme parks. Irritates the **** out of me. Use your legs you ******* fat idiot.
Fat people who rent a mobility scooter so they can use the disabled queue in theme parks. Irritates the **** out of me. Use your legs you ******* fat idiot.

To be honest without the scooter they wouldn't be able to last the day in the park.
people who talk in a stupid baby voice to animals because "their so cute" :@

........and of course jacks :P
Drivers who don't use indicators
peoplee whoo typee likee thiss or endd sentencess withh commass or semicolonss;

and liberals.
People Who Feel The Need To Capitalise Every Letter When They Type But Dont Have To Use Puncuation Because Theyre Not A Geek Because Theyre Cool
When someone goes to shake your left hand, its just weird
Those annoying Nerf-Herders who feel the need to make stupid, annoying threads for no reason. In a section that you can't close it. And the Mod of that section isn't around. Neither is JP, Sean, lee, Kris and co. Bastards....

The self-centered little ignoramus who think only about themselves, and couldn't care less about anyone else.

Pretty sure there is more, so I will post soon.
When you give Microsoft money for a 250gb drive for your 360 and then find that you can't use any of your downloaded (more money) content because the servers have been down for 6 days and you can't transfer the licenses from one drive to the other.

F***ers!!! :@
people/stuff that annoys me :)

- people who walk slowly
- queues
- waiting for stuff in general i suppose :)
- anyone who thinks being fat is a disability
- benefit cheats
- people who have no interest in football
- rich peoples kids who have never worked for or appreciated the value of anything in thier lives
- having to sleep/getting tired. it should be a choice, not something forced upon me! :D
- tax. "you dont even pay tax, they take tax. you get your cheque, money gone. that aint a payment, thats a jack!" [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wESrtAdYdn0"]YouTube - Chris Rock - Taxes, Doctors, Drugs[/ame]
Mobile phones on public transport.
Yobs on public transport.
Reliability of public transport.
Arrogance & ignorance.
The lonnnnngggg time it takes for the makers to finish your most anticipated PC games ( hopefully with as few bugs as possible ).
PC game bugs.