What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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When people type 'kool' instead of cool. I mean, you're not saving any time? Both of them have 4 letters...

When people say 'lol' in real life.
the phrase "where's that to?"

why do you have to add an extra word? Its "Where's that"
People beating you after hitting you with a red shell yards from the line on Mario Kart. *******. :'(
Worse when you get hit by a red shell, into a banana peel, then lightning hit, and end up finishing 8th...
Happened before |)

My big Pet hate. is boy racers. There the reason i have to pay 1300 a year for ******* insurance

People who dress in jet black, walk down the street in their huddles, and give anyone they see a hard time. Someone I know (Sort of) is in hospital right now, for standing up to these peoples when he seen them attacking an old man with a knife. In hospital right now with severe cuts, bare in mind he's only 15...:(
People who get drunk just for fun , girls who act like *****, Rush hour, thugs
That's another one, orange girls, who look blummin' disgusting, thinking they're 'fit', wearing Ugg boots, then saying they're not a 'Chav' because they listen to the Arctic Monkeys...
People who Use random Captial letters in Sentences.
When the plastic on ready meals doesn't just peel off.
Teachers that regulate rules, then go completely against them.
Teachers that when you call them over and say "I'm stuck", they respond with "Oh, ok" then walk off >_<. Get back here, silly *****.
Shaggy ::3
Pushy Catholics. I mean, beleive what you want, it's up to you, but don't force it on others.