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Well its off topic but seeing how i compared you to him its only fair i tell you.He is Ricky Gervais's character in a comedy show called The Office. He is desperate to be loved by everyone but his efforts produce moments that make you cringe with embarrassment for him,and the harder he tries the more people dislike him.Lol. We're both British. By the way JP who is david brent?
Yes. Is that a pet hate of yours? Or were you trying to hit me with the good ol' bitter Scotsman bit?
Well its off topic but seeing how i compared you to him its only fair i tell you.He is Ricky Gervais's character in a comedy show called The Office. He is desperate to be loved by everyone but his efforts produce moments that make you cringe with embarrassment for him,and the harder he tries the more people dislike him.
When your walking towards someone on the street and you move to the left to get out the way but they move left aswell then you move right and they do the same. Makes me look like a right ****.
Ignorant people and those who use the nokia ringtone.
Splashback, Noobs & 'txt' talk.
me too:$ Me.
People who drive bad....either a shockingly slow speed or fast. The speed limits are there for a reason....if your going to drive 25mile an hour in a 60 then you shouldnt be allowed to drive your 2.8 what ever car....if drive at all. Same goes for those who speed. It's inconsiderate and risky to others.
Another has to be manners, People don't seem to have them anymore? I held a door open for a young mum and her baby and didnt get as much as a thanks or a smile....prat
Students who moan about not getting enough discounts or loans....we give you enough money and you get 10% off almost everything you buy so shut up and get on with it or get a job.
Idiotic people who have children when they clearly they cannot afford to look after themselves and people like me pay for it.
People on the dole....not the people getting paid off but those who sit about all day doing hee haw
People who walk around in the streets in their pyjamas full stop! (Its a common sight where i live!)
I can't stand bad drivers. It's amazing at how many people just don't know how to drive on dual-carriageways. I'm sick of the massive unnecessary queues on slip roads because idiot drivers stop when trying to merge onto the road. Just keep driving and merge in turn arseholes.
We students need our money. I think the amount of loan I will get this year will give me about an average of about £350 to spend each month. For me it's much needed as I have a lot of bills to pay for. I also have a job to help subsidise my costs as well.
Young mums can be OK. But it's usually the worst unprepared girls that are the ones in this situation. You have to feel for the kid because they aren't going to have a chance.
Yeah jobless bums on the dole **** me off. Don't do a thing all day. Maybe pop out a few kids to get some more money and then spend it all on booze and ****.
It's terrible isn't it. Just goes to show how many jobless bums live in our area when you walk to the shop and the majority of the people in there are in pyjamas (at 3pm) oO)
Sean it's simple. If you cannot afford to be a student and have your own house then get a job and go to night class. It's a tough world out there and people struggle every day
why should students get it easy? Half of them just **** away there loans on a ps3 *looks at Lee*
TV Licence.An illegal tax that is surely well out dated,i hate having to pay the BBC anything,they advertise more than anyone and have hardly made a decent programme for 20 years.
Kris your ramblings about students are getting boring and I've only been here a few days!
How do you expect students to stump up £24k in 4 years to be able to afford to go to Uni?
You do realise people such as Doctors etc go to Uni? and if it was your way, these people wouldn't be able to afford to go to Uni, hence a lack of Doctors etc....
Think I am getting £3k this year, and I know 3 x £867 will go on rent. Then it will be another 11 months of paying £100 for bills. All of which will have to be paid back.
You do also realise we have to pay all this money back as well? (at a worse interest rate than is the actual interest rate)'s not free money.
Id rather some of my hard earned went to a student trying to make something of their lives than some worthless piece of chav dole scum going nowhere with their life whose dole goes on multiple cans of special brew,scratch cards and kebabs.
Touch a nerve? It's Hardly rambling when i have brought it up once after my original post.
I was not aware you had to pay uni fee's in England? In Scotland it's free and the loans that are givenare for transport and living expences. (which do not get paid back) Half of them spend there loan money on booze or personal items. I will retract it for people like yourself who have to pay there way through uni and i did not mean to suggest students should get no money. It mearly annoyed me when they moan about not having enough help with there funding.
Very valid point. I don't mind paying taxes for people who will make a difference but there is so many pointless uni degree's one can aquire. 'Art and Design' yes that degree will get you far in life.
I was not aware you had to pay uni fee's in England?
Yeh you did! (K)
Yes we have to pay all the fee's here, the Scottish don't...which annoys us!![]()