What are your Pet hates?

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El Hadj Diouf
Louis Spence
Championship Manager
Sarah Millican's Voice
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People who spam my story
Dider Drogba, I hate how flippin' arrogant he is

---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:45 PM ----------

i Presume your talking about your tele lol XD

Sir you read my mind
People chewing gum in lectures, it's so ****** annoying when you're trying to concentrate, and then BANG, chew chew chew, it's so offputting :@
Despite the fact we have had Christmas, the bin men decide they aren't going to collect for 3 weeks. (Fair enough the first was because of the snow but why the other two weeks?)

Probably to do with all the bank holidays as well. Ours have been coming on weird days so everyone keeps missing them.
People who don't wash up properly and you end up with a half clean, half dirty cup with bits in it!
Customers who leave snotty tissues in the fitting room... gross!
Oh customers who have really bad hygiene and want me to give them a bra fit. urgh.
Skin or fat on any kind of meat and people who eat it infront of me.
Supermarkets own brand of Cola.
People who try and touch my food. MY FOOD!
Touching any poles or handles in public, urghh so unhygenic. Hand gel ftw!!
Sticky floors

Warm cake/doughnuts and custard
Tequila <--- tried this for the first time on NYE ...never again!!!
Not being able to get over 170k on Bejewelled
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Louie Spence!!! I just wish I could knock him out. He is talented but so irritating!!!!
When you are working behind a bar, and ignorant people walk up to the bar and immediately think they should be served, and shout

Then when you acknowledge them, and serve someone who was there before them, they go mad at you!

Does my head in. Get it all the time when I go home to work, but never when I'm at work in Manchester.
Having to check signatures against a Chinese persons credit card.
Having to check signatures against a Chinese persons credit card.

Watch for scams Lee.

Read an article somewhere about this sort of thing being on the rise in the UK. Foreign banks and UK supermarkets are unlikely to change anything though as the amounts lost are relatively small compared to the costs of an overhaul in the system. What i read was along these lines:

Stolen/cloned foreign cards are being used in UK supermarkets because the lack of chip and pin, combined with the system automatically authorising the transaction (even if the card is cancelled in its home country) and then checking it later with the bank in the home country of the card makes it easy for criminals to acquire low-medium value items for free.
like when a person from the SI forum says hes going to blacklist fm base cause we all pirates and steal other peoples work :S like wtf knobheads
Also I hate the people at KFC who don't speak English it really irritates me (not being racist) and the idiots at mcdonalds, no I'm not fat :)
1) I work as a Quarry Truck driver and for a long part of the day I get to put my lap top on my steering wheel and play FM and get paid for it, the problem is at some point I might have to actually earn my wage...

2) Sitting at my computer and my son comes along and steal my Fruit Pastals / Polos and runs off laughing, so I chase the little **** into the living room and he squeals and cowers on the sofa, then my partner comes from the kitchen and tells me off :( so I lose my sweets and get a bollucking!

3) Im in bed resting for the night and my partner comes to bed later in the evening and cuddles her frezzing cold feet up to me for warmth, so im woken up and then have cold feet.

4) waking up freezing in the middle of the night and finding my partner has been a little blanket thief and wrapped herself up in it and I cant get any back :(.

5) my partners cooking when shes rushing. Ive actually has sausages that were burnt black on the outside with ice in the middle. I still cant figure it out :S

6) my partners inability to understand the word "budget".

7) Elderly drivers - who have lost their alertness

8) Indian call centre workers, really ******* hate these.

9) politicians

10) President Obama - British hating ******.

11) Wales losing rugby games, especially to England.

I think ive pretty much covered it (A)
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Also I hate the people at KFC who don't speak English it really irritates me (not being racist) and the idiots at mcdonalds, no I'm not fat :)
With you on that. McDonalds will basically employ anyone. I went to to a McDonalds drive-through after work last night, i asked how much the Big Mac meals are and got some spotty faced little ***** on the other end saying "erm i dunno.........erm free pound somefink" (sniff) Yeah cheers mate, do everyone a favour and crawl back into your mothers womb.
3) Im in bed resting for the night and my partner comes to bed later in the evening and cuddles her frezzing cold feet up to me for warmth, so im woken up and then have cold feet.

4) waking up freezing in the middle of the night and finding my partner has been a little blanket thief and wrapped herself up in it and I cant get any back :(.

Welcome to my life.