What are your Pet hates?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JP Woody
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not public toilets, my offices are in an A grade office towers, the bathrooms on my level ;) I stay far away from outside public toilets :)

You've not made it til you get your own keycode locked bathroom at work Raikan. I had one in Melbourne when i was working there. ;)
People who take photos of themselves next to someone dressed up in a costume.
People who take photos of themselves next to someone dressed up in a costume.

If you go out in your Gimp costume Lee then you're going to have to accept people taking photos next to you. I had the same problem when i went out dressed as Jar Jar Binks for a funeral.
First post on here in a while ... people in gangs who go around in hoods trying to mug people. Scum of the earth. Instead of mugging someone, how about you read a book and then stop complaining that you have no opportunities.
Oh and especially 12 year old who think they can mug you when they're shorter than you. Don't be a brave ****. I'm hardly tall, infact quite the opposite 5"3 but this guy was about 4"7 ... couldn't even believe my eyes when he tried to ****** my headphones.
Going on line for Olympic footie tickets for the prospect of watching Spanish football just down the road....for £20..........to find out they're already gone.......when they weren't due to go on general release next month........according to the local news. Thank you very much BBC you tossers
Old people that think all teenagers are chavs, *****, ...etc.
People that try to run you over on purpose.
People that cheat on their partners.
Kids that abuse you when you are walking past the local shops.
Old people that think all teenagers are chavs, *****, ...etc.
People that try to run you over on purpose.
People that cheat on their partners.
Kids that abuse you when you are walking past the local shops.

Hey hey hey. The road is for cars, the path is for you chumps.

On this subject. I hate slow pedestrians who think that because the road was sort of clear when they stepped off the kerb means they have all the time in the world to **** about on the road while cars approach them. I've seen idiots stop to pick up what i can only assume is money, and people get 2/3rds of the way across and then decide to turn around and head back - must have forgotten something important.

The ones that annoy me most are the 'diagonalers' who instead of crossing the road at 90 degrees to the kerb via the shortest route (taking the shortest route seems sensible on an area likely to have high speed metal coming towards you) they try and shave nanoseconds off their obviously time critical journey by walking at an angle almost parallel to the path but still on the road, where the cars are.


I will try and drive as close to you as possible without hitting you. Don't like it? Use the path, use a designated crossing. Or die. Your choice.
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Hey hey hey. The road is for cars, the path is for you chumps.

On this subject. I hate slow pedestrians who think that because the road was sort of clear when they stepped off the kerb means they have all the time in the world to **** about on the road while cars approach them. I've seen idiots stop to pick up what i can only assume is money, and people get 2/3rds of the way across and then decide to turn around and head back - must have forgotten something important.

The ones that annoy me most are the 'diagonalers' who instead of crossing the road at 90 degrees to the kerb via the shortest route (taking the shortest route seems sensible on an area likely to have high speed metal coming towards you) they try and shave nanoseconds off their obviously time critical journey by walking at an angle almost parallel to the path but still on the road, where the cars are.


I will try and drive as close to you as possible without hitting you. Don't like it? Use the path, use a designated crossing. Or die. Your choice.

I was on the path. The car was backing up while parking and went over the curve.
People who give way to the left on roundabouts, stupid *****.
People pulling out without looking/indicating.
People who try to force their way through despite giving way to a couple of cars before.

There are some idiots out there :@
Teachers that won't help you while taking notes for coursework. How are people meant to do well at school if the teachers won't
help us, stupid arseholes.
Dentists(they scare the ******* **** out of me)