What Lower League team are you starting your career at?

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Not had FM for years. Used to play it all the time when it was Premier Manager (back in the 90's) but I've decided to try again.
I'm going to start of with Southport seing as I live here. Team is poor, recently promoted to BSN and predicted to finish 20th!
Need to get some serious players in on free transfers. Facilities and ground are shocking. Hopefully I can get all new players on FT contracts and avoid relegation.
Any advice for a relative newbie??? The game has changed SO much since the old days!

Premier Manager? I think you have the wrong game mate it's changed shitloads since then, seeing as it's never been that!

I started unemployed, Sunday League Footballer, with about a million leagues!!

I exaggerate but I've got a lot running: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany and France although some are "view only" but all are to lowest possible division in the standard database. (about 40k players in total!)

I got the Eastleigh job at the end of November, my first game in charge was the 1st game in December... I'm about to play the play-offs vs Chelmsford after finishing 2nd! :P
hereford united i always start with then go For my hometown team ludlow :] <)
Dartford in the BSS. Really enjoying the game, only made two transfers but im doing well;
Media prediction - 12th
Position half-way through the season - 2nd
Loaded most leagues and started unemployed on Sunday league footballer. Was struggling to get a job anywhere even at lowest worst teams in any league before being offered the job at Sailsbury in BS South league. I doubt ill get promoted this season as im hanging around 9th-10th position but I hope ill get a good run towards to end of the season and hopefully be lucky enough to make the play offs.
The not so mighty Lincoln City - Shockingley down in 20th in February too many draws and strikers who just cant score from more than 2 yards out!

Get Jason Matthews as your assistant when he retires... he's an awesome ***-man for that level but make sure you offer him the job before he retires or he won't be interested ;)
Get Jason Matthews as your assistant when he retires... he's an awesome ***-man for that level but make sure you offer him the job before he retires or he won't be interested ;)

i will offer him

i want Eastleigh to reach premier league though i don't know if it can reach(H)
starting with blyth spartans..try get promotion to epl...hopefully can
i started with wrexham, got promoted into L2 first season, currently in december second season, 3rd in table, 2 points behind the league leader, and into the third round of the FA cup against barnet (so a good chance of getting into the fourth round)
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