First of all, i want to thank you, TFF, for all you work.
Well, this tactic seems to be a very good one. I'm currently trying it online with a few friends and i'm quite impressed by the way my team plays.
But i have one huge issue : red cards. Anyone else having the same ?
I mean, i have almost one red card each game and usually 4/5 yellow per match... I don't mind about the yellow, but i really can't stand losing a player sometimes 20minutes after the beginning of the match. :S
Do you guys have any tips ?
- tweaked the passing settings of MCL/MCR/AMC positions
P.S. Guys, I apologize that I didn't answer questions if there were any because I've had a very busy day today. I'll try to find some time and browse through the thread later.
I gave V2 a go with Swansea, the 1 season and won the league and FA Cup
I must add that Bafetimbe Gomis and Jefferson Montero played like a piece of ****, they missed 90% of their chances, I pulled my hair out every time they missed their scoring opportunities but honestly it wasn't a big surprise for me because they have very low Finishing, Long Shots and Composure. For the next season, I'll try to buy someone better instead of them.
My opinion is that this tactic can work only if you have good Inside Forwards that can score with high Finishing, Long Shots and Composure attributes otherwise you'll be watching how your attackers missing their another scoring opportunity and pulling your hair out.![]()
Did you use the Balanced tactic?
I have try this tactic in my dominating saves with St. Gallen, and Partizan (both are in 2020.champions of the Europe and World), but I do not see that is better than Qunqueror. Amount of goals by 2 ST can not change AMC+1 ST, even with 2 Inside forwards.
It is more easy to find two good finisher in ST position than in Inside forward positons.
U can find fast, good dribler on the wing, but his finishing is max at 12, and composure too. So threy are missing a lot of chances, in imortant games it is not alowed.
One more thing I wanna say, that Manual Markin is must have, that is what makes TFF tactic superior to other tactic on FM.Base. (and perfect ML, MR play, good at defense and perfect transformation in attack)
I know that many of u hate Manual Marking, but it is very important, I know that TFF knows that, but trying to develop something without that because many of u are requesting that.
But I am sure that nothing can't replace Manual Marking. Sorry but this is a truth.
But V5 etc didwich version of conqueror are you talking about?
because the last version of conqueror did not have 2 ST
What about against stronger teams? it looks like conqeuor is the better option atmtwo goals from corners
What about against stronger teams? it looks like conqeuor is the better option atm
Half season with Conqueror v12, 2nd half with Wrath
Worth to mention - all season I used TFF tactic, so thank u very much pal![]()