Hey, thanks for the screenshots and feedback, glad to see it is working for you to an extent. I will try and explain the problems you are having.
But the problems:
1. The players seem extremely susceptible to injury now. For example, I had Evans, Evra and Fletcher injured A LOT when I know that they're one of the least susceptible to injury. Now, I am not blaming here, because I have no evidence (neither have I played a 'non-Dunc' game), but it seems as though something is wrong.
I think, in general, injuries are very.. urm.. common this year. I mean, they were quite common last year, but this year even more so. I have done saves with my training, which has led to lots of injuries, and then I have had saves where players have suffered minimal injuries. I actually started a game yesterday with Newcastle, and I decided to leave the training till January, so I could see if it had any difference, on injuries, to when I started a game with Newcastle when I was giving these schedules a final test. I lost Tiote for 4 months, Cayabe for 3 weeks (twice), Steven Taylor for 2 months and Ba for 2 months, and this was in the period of July-January. Those were just the long ones, I had countless 2 week and under injuries. In comparison to the game I played with my training on, I imagine the amount of injuries encountered was less on the one I used my training, but as that was a few weeks ago that could be a bit of clouded judgement on my part, but in the testing phase, 3 games holidayed 5 years, I think the injuries were relatively consistent with games I had played with other teams before developing my training at all. I might actually run a test on the weekend of a season, ones with identical teams and tactics, one with the training on, one with it off, and see what the injury results are.
I know it's a problem, I will look to see if I can change it, but I think in general injuries are just a common issue within the game this year.
2. The training is terribly inconsistent. Even the most professional players (who turn up to training etc) seem to drop 2 points in SEVERAL attributes in one month, gain 1-2 back, but then drop again and this goes on...
Hmm, I have rarely seen many drops, and it does sound rather.. odd. Can you post screen shots? Are they after the player has been injured? What time of year is it? How old are they? Do you know their CA/PA, maybe the points are being redistributed depending on what schedule you have them on? If you could post some more info on that it would be great.
Once again, I am not blaming, because the aggregate result is that (as you've seen) players improve ridiculous amounts. If the two things I have are attributable to other issues in the game or just how the (if new) training engine works, I am sorry.
I love the training. But it has its issues that can get frustrating.
Glad to see it has worked for you. I will try and work on those issues for you, but I don't think the injury one is an easy one to fix, if you can at all. The other one, if you can provide me with some more info, I will happily look into it.
Thanks for the feed back, it's been really good.
Finally going to get the Part Time ones up today.