I really have to applaud Blakefish for his undeniable support for his club here. He has everyone against him but he is still holding strong. Although I don't agree with what city do there's nothing we can do about it. There's no point in trying to convince Blakefish otherwise as it is a losing battle. And really if a billionaire who promised to pump millions into Leeds came along then I wouldn't say no and I doubt anyone here would for their clubs.
No ones jealous. It should just be done in the right way. Not by back stabbing current star players and buying every top class players available (needed or not). Also players should be bought with a good mixture of, personality, work rate and talent instead of talent alone.
Of course every team would want money available but if I was given a chance to swap with City now I wouldn't. Its not a club I would be proud to say I support. Yaya Toures wage is a disgrace, if he asked for that at United or Barca he would be shown the door so quick its unbelievable.
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