Peterborough after 2 seasons qualified to Champion league-4-2-2-2-false defence.

Arsenal wtb Suarez so probably i will sell him,also i want sell Borini so January transfer window will be very interesting for my team.

new results are posted,also my shedule of next matches is fantastic,from next 8 matches 7 playing on home field.

Borini is such a good poacher why do you want to sell him?
sorry guys i have been on holidays last 4 days

regarding Liverpool i just need to play two more matches and I will win title

Borini sucks badly poacher with composure 11 he need 100 chances to score so in January transfer window i loaned him to Atalanta.

Also after 20 days testing my new tactic 3-4-3 is finished results are fantastic,i tested in every major leauge

Tactic have been tested with Norvich,West Ham,Wigan,Furth,Espanol with all that teams i was in top 4 in first season.

New patch destroyed this game so I dont use that ****,so play 13.1.3 and enjoy the game
vujevic plase make a tactic four 13.2.1. I want to play football manager
afk for next few days because of holidays

happy new year !
This tactic has been brilliant for me. I first used it playing as Hull City and was promoted in the first season and finished in the top 4 in the premier league the season after. I then decided to try it out on a lower league fantasy team that I created. I hardly ever loose and have gone from the BS North to the top of League Two with the title in sight. I buy what I need to improve the team as the leagues get harder but I have basically the same team that I started with. A few good loan deals for a GK and a left footed poacher plus signing free transfers because I dont have a lot of money has kept me in a job. Even the latest update hasnt upset my run. All I can say is keep at it. If you get the right players, even Liverpool can win the league :)
sorry guys i have been on holidays last 4 days

regarding Liverpool i just need to play two more matches and I will win title

Borini sucks badly poacher with composure 11 he need 100 chances to score so in January transfer window i loaned him to Atalanta.

Also after 20 days testing my new tactic 3-4-3 is finished results are fantastic,i tested in every major leauge

Tactic have been tested with Norvich,West Ham,Wigan,Furth,Espanol with all that teams i was in top 4 in first season.

New patch destroyed this game so I dont use that ****,so play 13.1.3 and enjoy the game

Just to clarify.....this tactic has been negated by the latest patch? If so...massively annoying as I've just read from first post making notes throughout only to see this!!!!
Quick question to would you defend against the following formation....I've set up a few shout combos as discussed in this thread to combat a few formations but not sure about this one...any ideas?

View attachment 296511
I'm doing something wrong guys. My Blackburn team is underperfoming and I'm scratching my head figuring out why. I'm currently 21st: P8 W1 D4 L3

Here is my full strength first team:

View attachment 297192

I have read the entire thread, making notes along the way. I implement the 442 classic shouts when playing vs that formation... of the default shouts + play wider and add push higher up to this for overload.

I made sure I signed the correct players for the tactic (well at least I think I did) which are below:

First team:

GK (loan) DR (loan) Anchor Man

View attachment 297199View attachment 297197View attachment 297193


DR (650k) DL (loan) DL (275k) DC stopper (65k)

View attachment 297191View attachment 297196View attachment 297198View attachment 297194

ST (Loan)

View attachment 297195

Of the above signings, only the GK I would say has performed under par but he is young and was the best GK I could get with high aerial ability and command of area stats. Maybe I should play Robinson after all even though he's not so good in the air?

GK aside, I'm still stuck as to what to do. Like I said I've read the thread over, making notes so I know to man mark the left inside forward with the anchor man etc......or instead with my DC stopper if the opposition have a target man.

My assistant is in charge of training but I have noticed that all he seems to do in match prep is attacking. My coaching set up is good. Everything is in place for me to be playing well...but we're not.

I know its not the tactic and must be my team or something I'm doing wrong. There's only really 3 changes to the first team from the original squad which are the GK, DR and Anchor Man. Its not like I've changed the team entirely. I saw that one person won the league with Blackburn by playing short and attacking so clearly something I'm doing is incorrect.

Please help someone.....I'm not looking for a handout, just some analysis!

Many thanks
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I'm doing something wrong guys. My Blackburn team is underperfoming and I'm scratching my head figuring out why. I'm currently 21st: P8 W1 D4 L3

Here is my full strength first team:

View attachment 297192

I have read the entire thread, making notes along the way. I implement the 442 classic shouts when playing vs that formation... of the default shouts + play wider and add push higher up to this for overload.

I made sure I signed the correct players for the tactic (well at least I think I did) which are below:

First team:

GK (loan) DR (loan) Anchor Man

View attachment 297199View attachment 297197View attachment 297193


DR (650k) DL (loan) DL (275k) DC stopper (65k)

View attachment 297191View attachment 297196View attachment 297198View attachment 297194

ST (Loan)

View attachment 297195

Of the above signings, only the GK I would say has performed under par but he is young and was the best GK I could get with high aerial ability and command of area stats. Maybe I should play Robinson after all even though he's not so good in the air?

GK aside, I'm still stuck as to what to do. Like I said I've read the thread over, making notes so I know to man mark the left inside forward with the anchor man etc......or instead with my DC stopper if the opposition have a target man.

My assistant is in charge of training but I have noticed that all he seems to do in match prep is attacking. My coaching set up is good. Everything is in place for me to be playing well...but we're not.

I know its not the tactic and must be my team or something I'm doing wrong. There's only really 3 changes to the first team from the original squad which are the GK, DR and Anchor Man. Its not like I've changed the team entirely. I saw that one person won the league with Blackburn by playing short and attacking so clearly something I'm doing is incorrect.

Please help someone.....I'm not looking for a handout, just some analysis!

Many thanks

1-where is Rochina,he need to be your main striker,Nuno Gomes is very slow you need to have fast poacher up front.
2-Vukcevic need to be your main playmaker
3-your transfer suck badly,you needed to buy much better players with Blackburn reputation
4-Diego Arisamendi can be buy for cheap money and he is decent anchor man.

Blackburn have best playes for this tactic in Championship and that is fact,so first position is must have!

btw i won title with Liverpool,I am still on holidays so after i come home i will post results and update that tread.
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c'mon man update your tactic, i wana play football manager
This tactic has been brilliant for me. I first used it playing as Hull City and was promoted in the first season and finished in the top 4 in the premier league the season after. I then decided to try it out on a lower league fantasy team that I created. I hardly ever loose and have gone from the BS North to the top of League Two with the title in sight. I buy what I need to improve the team as the leagues get harder but I have basically the same team that I started with. A few good loan deals for a GK and a left footed poacher plus signing free transfers because I dont have a lot of money has kept me in a job. Even the latest update hasnt upset my run. All I can say is keep at it. If you get the right players, even Liverpool can win the league :)

I won Premiership with Liverpool even i kicked Gerrard, with W.Hughes as main playmaker and he is 17 .

Tactic works with new patches I recived confirmations from people,I hope after my hoolidays finish I will start with new testings !