The Slightly misleading Match Stats
What is a longshot ? Well, in FM, its not the pace of the ball, the risk of taking it, its basically when the shot is taken from a certain distance form the goal, its counter as a Long shot. In the game below, we scored 5 goals. ONe was from a corner but all the other 4 where from these so called Long shots.
Now, if looking at the stats only and not including the goals, it looks like we had the most of the possesion ut Hull restricted us into taking shots from distance, shots taken in vain. Now, this is not true at all. All 4 of these shots where after their defence had been torn apart and one of our player turned up late just outside the box and just slotted it in in one of the corners, without any of their players being even near blocking those shots.
Now, the reason why I am posting this is not to promote any of my uploaded tactics, but to encourage you to watch the game and use the analxying tool. As you see beneath
The Header
Now, this is a similair example. Here, a player with great jumping, heading can put the ball into the net after a brilliant cross but it will still not be counted as a real chance. Again, if looking too much at the match stats only, you might miss out on what is important and go on adjusting the tactic to get more " good chances", instead of actually looking at the goals in the re-run/analyze toól and try to create even more of these chances that scored you the goals or almost did. In my experience, this is one of the big reasons people tend to tweak their tactics into actually becomming worse.